Slipping down the empty mine shafts in his mind john knows there is nothing left to quarry, it has all been stripped away by dope, coke and the marijuana that helps the withdrawals that are almost constant now, moneys been hard to find, there is no work and there's no job for john to slack on. He wanders down the street completely in the open with the feeling of being on the outside looking in television is less distant this surreal feeling of being around real people, the desperation is written on his face; the rigid muscles, the drawn eyelids and the hungry stare, people move to get of his way which is a good idea, tonight he is out for a score he has a knife that he acquired through his friend Rick who couldn't make it along with him. John knows if he gets enough money he wont have to worry about where to get high Rick will take care of him. John thinks this thought and feels a sadness in the pit of his stomach without knowing why then the hunger returns and the sickness and only one thing matters now. The weed has worn off and john has two blocks till the park he quickens his step and lights up a cigarette just act cool he thinks if you don't you'll scare away a good one. He knows what he's looking for someone to rip off and a good score no bum like him, no punk kid some one with a car hopefully; tonight john feels like murder. A cold breeze swells out of the north to remind john of how cold he really is, john starts shaking his teeth start chattering "I'm dead" he says out loud and that's when he sees the score: a short bald man just walked down a corner alley I must have missed him coming out of the other direction john thinks and he moves quickly to the quarry, silently moving and fingering the tool in his pocket his pulse quickens and he starts struggling to keep his breath even as he rounds the corner on the bald man peeing against the building.As the man zips up and turns around he steps back at the sight of the fiend "whoa man, back up" this is going to be easy john thinks" gimme your fucking money mother fucker or I'll fucking slice your ass". John smiles thinking of the trip to the spot already there, The bald man looks scared and starts digging through his pockets, "slow down bitch, yeah go nice and slow and throw the wallet at me, matter of fact let me see that watch". "Take my money just leave me the watch I need it". Jonnie boy starting to get mad and feeling the supremacy of his role walks up and slaps the man in his head with the butt of his knife." You stupid bitch I'm in charge do what I fucking tell you" he screams at the top of his lungs and kicks the man in the gut, the bald man groans on the ground now gets up and tries to lunge at john, he stumbles back and is ready for murder as the man over extends him self, Johnny comes down hard on the mans neck with his tool doing the damage that is meant to be done he rifles through his pockets finding more then he was looking for 300 bucks and a sweet watch. After his trip to the spot he swings by Rick's feeling high on life(and other things)"I got two bundles man" "whoa that's more then we've seen in these two weeks combined" they laugh amazed at the feat john accomplished, he reacts the scene and Rick and john are walking on air. At johns protest Rick boots him up with more then he wanted not telling him trying to get his buddy high "I never feel more alive" john says "yeah me neither" Rick concurs and nods off as john starts to hyperventilate "i'm dead" he says out loud.