Well, the holiday weekend is upon us! I have the next four days off. I plan to stay in where it is cool and read/game. I know, that sounds super exciting. Perhaps I will venture out once the sun goes down and have myself a drink or two. I have had the urge to go to Rula Bula for a tasty Irish Beer and Whiskey.
I think I will touch up the old resume and throw it out there. I have been working at Intel for 15+ years now, but I think I would like to move to a city that has a better mass transit system. As long as I can get an IT job living in cities like NYC or San Francisco shouldn't be too tough. Just wish we had sites up in those areas. The closes would be the site in Santa Clara, but I am not sure I'd like to go back to California. Perhaps a whole new country! I also know they have IT on cruise ships that are 8+ month tours of duty. I had always considered something like. I don't really have many ties to AZ apart from a few friends that I see once in a great while.
I am mostly just kicking around a few ideas right now. I have noticed in my life that when things get to a pretty bad level, there is usually an opportunity around and I merely have to act on it. I will keep my eyes peeled, but it doesn't hurt to look around either. I have always believed when you feel like you have nothing to lose, that is the best time to take chances.
Hope everyone enjoys their holiday weekend!
I think I will touch up the old resume and throw it out there. I have been working at Intel for 15+ years now, but I think I would like to move to a city that has a better mass transit system. As long as I can get an IT job living in cities like NYC or San Francisco shouldn't be too tough. Just wish we had sites up in those areas. The closes would be the site in Santa Clara, but I am not sure I'd like to go back to California. Perhaps a whole new country! I also know they have IT on cruise ships that are 8+ month tours of duty. I had always considered something like. I don't really have many ties to AZ apart from a few friends that I see once in a great while.
I am mostly just kicking around a few ideas right now. I have noticed in my life that when things get to a pretty bad level, there is usually an opportunity around and I merely have to act on it. I will keep my eyes peeled, but it doesn't hurt to look around either. I have always believed when you feel like you have nothing to lose, that is the best time to take chances.
Hope everyone enjoys their holiday weekend!

You too! Have a happy 4th of July!