After a long wait, True Blood is finally back. It starts the season off with more nudity, sex and blood. Mostly these happen at the same time. Mix in some gruesome murders and more mysterious behavior and you have a good start to a great series. 
I finally got my tauren Death Knight to Northrend. I'm already half way to 70 and I have 11k of health and 12k in armor (in frost pressence). The gear in Outlands is not really intended for DKs so I am getting some great greens and blues just from questing. I really enjoy questing with Drusylla and tanking for her. We work pretty well together and can usually take down most of the elites that we come up against while questing.

I finally got my tauren Death Knight to Northrend. I'm already half way to 70 and I have 11k of health and 12k in armor (in frost pressence). The gear in Outlands is not really intended for DKs so I am getting some great greens and blues just from questing. I really enjoy questing with Drusylla and tanking for her. We work pretty well together and can usually take down most of the elites that we come up against while questing.
I still think you are just biased 

Haha really? That's fair enough. I can't watch Angel because all I see is Booth! lol