Damn, I would so do Summer Glau. LOL, I was just watching the Sarah Connor Chronicles. Just live chicks that kick ass
She dances beautifully too, very graceful.
I had planned on writing in a name tomorrow for election day, but as a b-day present for a friend I will be voting for Obama. I just don't have much faith in either party or canidate. I believe no matter which of the two gets elected in the norm. I guess I would just really like for us to get out of the war we are currently in and avoid the one that we will be in shortly.
Argh, I will just hold my tongue. I usually don't like to get into political debates.
I have been playing Fallout 3 lately. This is going to be trouble. It was made by the folks that made Oblivion. I am already setting my guy up to be a stealth sniper. I really liked that combination in Oblivion. So, if you don't see me around much, you will know where I am. Either playing Fallout 3 or spending time with Drusylla. She is in DC this week with her man, so I will likely just be playing a lot of Xbox.

I had planned on writing in a name tomorrow for election day, but as a b-day present for a friend I will be voting for Obama. I just don't have much faith in either party or canidate. I believe no matter which of the two gets elected in the norm. I guess I would just really like for us to get out of the war we are currently in and avoid the one that we will be in shortly.
Argh, I will just hold my tongue. I usually don't like to get into political debates.

I have been playing Fallout 3 lately. This is going to be trouble. It was made by the folks that made Oblivion. I am already setting my guy up to be a stealth sniper. I really liked that combination in Oblivion. So, if you don't see me around much, you will know where I am. Either playing Fallout 3 or spending time with Drusylla. She is in DC this week with her man, so I will likely just be playing a lot of Xbox.
Sounds like fun!
hi!! How are u?