Hmm, so I am usually pretty reserved. I prefer caution when picking girls that I get involved with. If anyone is interested why, I can get into more details on why I am so cautios but I will leave it there in this blog.
I may have an oppurtunity with this little cute girl but I am a bit apprenhensive on how to proceed. I am a very humble person, but occasionally I notice when a girl does actually like me. I honestly think this girl liked me from the first time she saw me. That was a while ago.
Recently I have been hanging out with her and I have gotten a pretty good look at who she is. She is only 21 (I was there all night and the next day for her power hour), which is a bit young for me. I don't really care about age, but I do look for a certain level of maturity in girls that I want to get involed with.
At first glance, I passed her over as immature. After spending some time with her, I am not so sure anymore. Oh well, tomorrow I will be hanging out with her again and we will see how it goes. I always have to becareful of girls that are interested in me because I don't show any interest in them. I have fallen for that at least a couple times. Course now I know how that works
Wow, I got a little personal in this blog. Sorry about that