Implosion of emotions... utter chaos. Yeah, that's what I felt last night. I went from being worried sick, to utterly happy, to barbaric rage, hopelessly lost, unforgiving, then warm and fuzzy, all in a row. Yeah I was a mess. Time I stopped ignoring my reality, even though it helps me sleep at night (not really
) I receieved a little bit of sanity yesterday. It is now my most prized possesion. I keep it close to my heart. I'll have it with me when I go to Cali, for good or ill, it'll keep me. It represents why I'm there and what I'll have after my drama is over.
Sorry my posts were somewhat depressing and strange over the past couple of days. I always feel better after venting here. Putting my feelings into words keeps me from going over the edge.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words. It really means alot to me. I'm not usually all emo depressy and such
I'll be back to my usually cheery
self soon. Until then, I hope you can bear with me.

Sorry my posts were somewhat depressing and strange over the past couple of days. I always feel better after venting here. Putting my feelings into words keeps me from going over the edge.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words. It really means alot to me. I'm not usually all emo depressy and such

Hang in there, buddy.

Don't worry we're all here for ya, emo or not.