Without You,
The sun does not warm me,
The dawn brings no light.
The wind is stifling,
The moon has no night.
My heart has no joy,
My mind has no muse.
My soul has no purpose,
My eyes see no hues.
The stars do not glitter,
The dark never ends.
My love is torn asunder,
Without you it can't mend...
The sun does not warm me,
The dawn brings no light.
The wind is stifling,
The moon has no night.
My heart has no joy,
My mind has no muse.
My soul has no purpose,
My eyes see no hues.
The stars do not glitter,
The dark never ends.
My love is torn asunder,
Without you it can't mend...
...And This ain't no friggin' form letter either, so sit back, relax...and smile a smile that only A True Horror Fanatic can, because you now have the potential to enjoy Horror with The Big Boys...
I started The Apothecary because I found myself alone in an Ocean of "Resident Evil" zombies, and saw nothing about The Good stuff...So, Being in The Biz of Marketing the Macabre, and Of course My own personal Addiction to The good Shit...I ventured out on A limb that there was indeed A potential for Those who were thinkin along the same lines, living the same life, and watching those OH-So wonderful Horror flicks that people just don't appreciate cause they are not CGI-Laden, Hollywood Crap.
I honestly never thought I would get it with a VERY popular Horror Group already existing quite well...But The Gorewhore Gods must of been on My side, cause they approved it...and now, we are A VERY Horribly Happy Creepy Contigency.
Generally, Dark Rabbit, I am faced with having to gauge what new members are like by what I see here in thier Madpads (profiles), and Hey, I see some good shit here, and I do not really think I have to force A smile, and veer you towards The 'populr' group instead, as you would be surprised just how many folks I come to check out and see that thier favorite things include Buffy and 'House of The Dead'
I generally have to politely 'veer' them into a More 'suitable' direction...I am thinking this isn't the case here...Thats A Good thing.
Basically...If you have read the WELCOME page to The Apothecary, you are already on your way, However, If you are like most people, and see the list of examples of just what we are all about, then promptly skipped through the boring crap and hit the 'JOIN' button, I HIGHLY reccommend that you sit a 'spell' and take A few just to read over it, if only for The list of examples of some of Our Features we are very proud to Have in The Apothecary...Cause we definately DO NOT suscribe to the 'standard' group dynamics...We have Places & Spaces for everything...As you will see (Including Our very own Chat, and Private group on Google for FRIGHT CLUB...see? Betcha don't know what THAT is...)
So, DarkRabbit, I must apologize for giving you one of my notorius, epic Welcomes...But, hey...It's A Once in A Lifetime thing...You can make it go away if you wish, However, before you do so...I just want to bring up one more thing...
THE ABOMINABLE APOTHECARY is for Hardcore, Old Skool, People that eat, breathe, sleep and shit Horror, Hell, most of the core members work ( including myself) in the bloody biz ourselves, so you can understand why we are such fanatics, and we encourage EVERY new member to take it to thier own limit...cause there really are no boundries with us...Its ALL about The Horror. So, Having said that, I have just one more thing to address...Ah Yes, The whole 'fiendship' thing...I used to strongly reccomend that members and I become fiends for the soul purpose of being able to know what and how I can make sure you get what is comin to you as far as preparing your Fright Fixes...BUT, I soon discovered that these innocent looking little 'fiend' lists are actually a status thing for some...and I know I always think more than twice now upon recieving A request...and you have been here long enough to have your own feelings about it...I just want to respect your privacy as well...So I shall leave it up to you, But I really must tell you it makes things SO much easier, not to mention actually getting to know eachother (*aghast* what A concept!!)
Having said ALL that...I am going to conclude this with another Soiled Salutation to you for Joining Our Fetid Family, and Hope to see just what kind of Grey Matter you Splatter.