Had a great time in Pelham last night at the Watchdogs show. My thanks to WhosYourLibra for a great time. Her family rocks
Even put up with me for breakfast while I waited for a train (missed the last one to CT last night) Met the very interesting LuckyP. someone I'd like to get to know more
Met ALOT of Libra's family, who had alot of kitchen questions for me
Learned a few... interesting tidbits about said Libra, who swore me to secrecy
All in al it was a great time and you all missed out
I'll just have to make sure you make the next one
Ok... time to organize my new computer desk, courtesy of WelnTaod and write... ALOT...

That's awsome. I'm glad you had fun. I wish I could have gone with you, but I was stuck at work. Any chance we'll be able to grap a drink before your trip?
Wed. works for me- it's finally payday!