I love how supposedly "reputable sources" spread rumors about something they "saw with their own eyes" that didn't even happen. For some reason I continue to be talked about at work as a "ladies man" or "playa" and I'm "seen" engaged in certain activities with female co-workers. Admittedly, I am well liked by many co-workers, particularly female ones (I get lots of love when I walk in
) and they are friendlier with me than just about everyone else, but most of the things going around are just absolutely untrue. If I had as much action as they say I do, I'd be a man-slut. I don't know why I get more attention than the other guys. Some think I'm some sort of rich pretty boy type, which is down right insulting. Others say it's the way I speak, saying I sound "proper" and such and my voice is "sexy" WTF?!? One can't dress as I do and speak as I do and not be labeled? I'm a freakin designer! My customers expect a certain level of professionalism from me (though I stretch the professional look quite a bit, most of you see how I dress
) As far as the way I speak, well, I really don't want to sound like an ignorant social miscreant. I usually don't care what people think of me, but these rumors are affecting people I care about, and new people hear of my "reputation" before they even meet me. People suck. Especially socially inept ignorant fucks who couldn't get a date if they payed for it.

Ola always thought i was kidding when I said the girls I worked with were hot. I guess she just assumed I said it jokingly r something then one day we were in my store shopping and she saw them. She quicked says "Oh my god, they are all models..." and then got mad at me for having a job.

I wish I had lovely female coworkers. I just get construction guys. It's no good. And there's nothing wrong with being a man-whore. Well, mabe there is. I wouldn't worry too much about it. Heartbreaker.