I love having platonic female friends. The kind you can get pissed drunk with and not have to worry about anything ever happening. The kind that would walk you to her place when you can barely stand. The kind that would make sure you are ok and have a cup of mouthwash ready when you are praying to the porcelain god. The kind that would undress you and get you into her bed when you are seeing triple. The kind that would hold your hand to let you know it's ok when you are breathing roughly from too much alcohol in your system. The kind that thinks it's cute that you fell asleep holding her hand. The kind that doesn't get mad because you play footsies in your sleep or steal all of the covers. The kind that doesn't mind lending you some of her men's clothes to wear because you have work in the morning. The kind that gets you to work on time and makes sure you're ok before she leaves.
I have the coolest friends.
I have the coolest friends.

Smeep! How is it...that I can make a cupcake? I'm so electronically impaired, I'm personally impressed that I can make a toaster function

Hey dude thats my wife but i get to have sex with her too! And she cooks for me! And she makes more money that I do! You need a wife.