Well... no new profile pic yet. I took some interesting photos today, but alas... I have no energy for photoshop tonight. My new pics as well as those from Game Night will be posted in the next day or so. Since my creativity bug is newly rekindled, I had the urge to write a little something. Bear in mind it's the first poem I have written in a VERY long time. You can read it here. Enjoy!
Edited to add these pics and stuff... Still working on the others...
Ok kiddies. these are my final four possible profile pics (including my old one)
Old Profile
Option 1
Option 2 courtesy of CinderOla an LaceyK
Option 3, My personal fav that I happen to betest driving at the moment...
Tell me what you think!
Edited to add: New pics are up. Posted in SGCT and in my pics folder for those of you not cool enough to be in SGCT

Edited to add these pics and stuff... Still working on the others...
Ok kiddies. these are my final four possible profile pics (including my old one)

Old Profile

Option 1

Option 2 courtesy of CinderOla an LaceyK

Option 3, My personal fav that I happen to betest driving at the moment...
Tell me what you think!
Edited to add: New pics are up. Posted in SGCT and in my pics folder for those of you not cool enough to be in SGCT


I must not notice.. fill me in..

I'm looking forward to it