Ok... Work is going well. Fired someone. Hired someone. Trained someone. Suggested my baristas wear tank tops to get better tips (all but one are girls. OT doesn't count, I keep him in the dungeon...) I'm finally getting everything organized... My job will be cake when I finish reorganizing.
I saw the unfinished documentary "Invisible Children" Go see it. Get sad. Get angry. Buy a... Read More
I love having platonic female friends. The kind you can get pissed drunk with and not have to worry about anything ever happening. The kind that would walk you to her place when you can barely stand. The kind that would make sure you are ok and have a cup of mouthwash ready when you are praying to the porcelain god. The kind that would... Read More
I was the sickest I've been in a long time yesterday. Uber psuedo migraine headache all day, nausea, etc... Always fun when you work with a hammer and power saws all day. I luckily have today off so I can recover, although the headache is more like a dull throb now and the fever, nausea, and congestion is all but gone.
Yep, that I do, although I haven't done a lot of it yet. Check out the black and grey page. I am working on a full back piece of bio-mech Giger wings on the same guy as the chest plates right now, too. Pics will follow once I get one side established. It's gonna take a long time!
I hate interviews. This company must really want me though, because I blew off one already with them. Well, didn't really blow it off so much as canceled and never rescheduled. Now about a month later, they called me all hopeful that I was still interested. We'll see how interested they really are.
hahaha do you think?!?? i don't really have any of my stuff lying around. its mostly in new york. the only think i can think of is the flowers and he got those for me for my birthday. that and maybe its a bit cleaner? minus cat fur that is.
I've decided to cancel my SG account. I left a lengthy note of my grievances to the powers that be and I'll not bore you with the details here. Let's just say it isn't like it use to be. The only reasons I stayed for as long as I did were the people and the community, but these too I'm beginning to sour over.... Read More