gin always kicks my ass
I really need to stop drinkin it all the time but its the only thing that gets me drunk anymore. I can drink beer but I have to drink a lot to get drunk. fuck that.
went to my friend Fox's birthday party last night with Pete and djprolly drank a 40 and then broke open the gin as soon as I put down the empty 40.
I like parties at the cherry house, cool kids
got home by riding andrews bike, which I need to get back to him soon. like tomorrow morning
it was a interesting night
now Im here, bored, and listening to Atmosphere
I really need to stop drinkin it all the time but its the only thing that gets me drunk anymore. I can drink beer but I have to drink a lot to get drunk. fuck that.
went to my friend Fox's birthday party last night with Pete and djprolly drank a 40 and then broke open the gin as soon as I put down the empty 40.
I like parties at the cherry house, cool kids
got home by riding andrews bike, which I need to get back to him soon. like tomorrow morning
it was a interesting night
now Im here, bored, and listening to Atmosphere
hahahahahaha MY ASS