I Stated my halloween weekend last night, my costume this year is Hunter S. Thompson. Johnny Depp played him in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I wish I had my digital camera out here so I could take some pictures to post up here. Last night me and some of my friends went bar hopping at the nearby college town. Alot of people were very impressed with my costume and I had a great time. I also got very drunk and ended the night worshipping the porcelan god
and practically dragged to my hotel room. There were alot of people who had no idea what i was doing and looked at me as if i was completely insane.
I got some laughs on the highway when I took a flyswatter and tryed to swat random cars or stuck my head out of the window of my buddies hearse and started swatting at imaginary bats.
At some point I broke my cigarette holder and now the two pieces of it are taped together. anyway happy halloween to all of you, latez.

We actally did go to the coffin races in Manitou.. I dont mind that so much... these people I run into hate me because I am not some super slut that sleeps with random guys every night and I actually have some dignity. When I turn them down, they get pissed off.. like no one has ever rejected them before. I also left out that the guy hit me to get my attention... aggressive AND violent.. not a good combo.