The Sun Won't Last Forever.
Hello Everyone,
Welcome to another edition of Updates of My Live by me. My sister had her baby since my last blog, I lost someone whom I thought cared for me but apparently doesn't, and apparently I'm growing tired of the human race.
Firstly, baby creationism: the act of making more humans to populate the earth by shooting DNA into various receptive orifices thus creating a surplus population far outweighing what the planet can handle. Point in hand, my sister keeps making more little people. She had her second baby so close to her first baby that for 2 weeks out of the year, they are going to be the same age. Give it 2 weeks, she'll be pregnant again. The new kid on the block is a blondie, premature. 5 pounds of cuteness. I'll try to have pictures up of him sooner or later, for anyone interested in that sort of thing.
Secondly, the usual aspect of my life that's always in disarray is out of order again. I ended up not going to see Elizabeth because she talked me out of it, slowly but surely things fell apart. Who didn't see that coming, honestly? She'd assure me of shit all the time, lull me into a false sense of security and make me believe the smooth words she would say to be in fact, truths when they were quite fictitious. I've bulleted the chain of events as follows, most of this I didn't learn in this order, and mostly over a long period of time.
-Started talking again and became closer.
-Discussed actually meeeting each other.
-Proceeded to make it a reality and purchased a plane ticket.
-Three days before liftoff, things start to mess up.
-No longer interested in relationship, but wants to cuddle and things.
-I state that slowly things will deminish between us, I get assured that won't happen.
-No longer wants to cuddle or anything.
-No longer wants me to visit.
-I learn its because I told a friend, FRIEND, that I loved her too (More will be explained down below).
-Got assured that its not me, she doesn't want a relationship in general.
-Just read a bulletin that states there is in fact another guy and she apparently screwed me over because that me saying "I love you" to my friend is a convenient way to blame all of this on me.
Okay, bullshit right here. I care about everyone, she knows that. I know that. Everyone I know knows that. I grew up with a whole lot of nothing. A rather large amount of small. No friends, no money, nothing. I get older, I finally acquire friends, I appreciate them. They give me love and I give it back, thats how it works. You love friends, and I strictly told my friend that I loved her as a friend cuz she's a great friend. She's always been there for me, way more than Elizabeth ever has. So I guess she tried to make me look like the bad guy as soon as she possibly could. She fucking told me so much shit, had me believing in a false reality, making me think "Hey, she might be the real deal," and I slowly began opening myself up to her, to my dismay. Tossed me aside like I was week old tampons, lost all feeling for me and everything. God forbid, she was always around her guy friends and shit, i didn't mind. She'd always be texting while I was trying to talk to her on the phone, but when I text her, she NEVER responds. She tells me "DJ, I have no minutes so we can't talk" yet she can call her Mike friend first thing in the morning when she wouldn't even call me, nor text. She'd call me LAST at the end of the day, and not even answer me when I was trying to talk to her. She'd snap at me for no reason, and I've been nothing but understanding and she called me her best friend last night and this shit happens? Forget her. I put my heart out to her for the first real thing that has ever come along in my life. I knew it was a mistake. I did nothing wrong. I appreciate it when people care about me and I make sure all of them know I care backbut when you do this shit to me, thats an immediate write out. I don't have many friends but the ones I do, I love. Its not MY fault she doesn't have many close friends. If she wouldn't do this shit to people, she could tell her friends she loves them too. She had the fucking audacity to conjecture that I cannot say it to women but I can say it to men. She stated that shit I said to girls in the past still mattered, yet when it comes to her, "Everyone has a past." She lied to me about having sex with this one guy. Lied 19 times as far as I'm concerned cuz thats how many times she spread her legs for him. Forget her. I wish her the best of luck with herself and her endevours. "Is it the warmth in her touch, or the sweetness thats in her kiss.. My heart's telling me, never let go of this.. is it the look in her eyes or the brightness thats in her smile.. I walked the world for her, she couldn't walk me a mile."
Lastly, but definitely not leastly, population! I have a beef with the populous of this big blue ball of water we call earth. Everyone in it. Everyone has secrets, and as Elizabeth stated, everyone has a past. In this close-minded society, everyone considers their mind the center of the universe and as far as I'm concerned, the only real thing is in fact, our minds and the grand scheme of life is merily an illusion brought forth by electronic stimuli accumulated in our brains. Life would be so much easier to change it with a thought. Most people are self-rightous losers who want to look for the simplest answer possible and place responsibility elsewhere. Emotionally it may help, but physically, believing in a God that hasn't shown himself to us, believing in a God that tells direct lies to us that we can easily disprove with scientific fact, how can people blindly obey what they are told? They know its rediculous. They plant this seed in their childrens minds that there is a Jesus, that there is a God, that there is a Heaven and place called Hell. But what is Hell exactly? We have fire here, we have maggots here? We have all of the things contained in hell here on the surface of this planet. So we are in hell. Heaven? No place can be perfect, not one place can be. If God is so mighty, he'd have changed the state of things, he'd have done a whole lot more than what hes doing for us. He's got the power yet sits on the sidelines knowing the outcomes. A christian himself stated that when someone induces prayer, those lovely "Feel good" endorphyns are released into our brains to give you this self-satisfaction. Okay, proof right there from his own mouth. That isn't god, thats your own body's doing. You mentally believe that there is a god and so does your body. If you believe something hard enough, your body will believe it. If you believe praying to a god will make you feel better, it will. But it's falsified euphoria. If you believe you have cancer, your body will create cancer. If you lose hope in living, you will die. Our bodies function in the mere fact that we think we are alive, it seems. Quit placing your problems into the hands of a god that doesn't exist and learn to deal with your own problems. Is your life really that bad that you need to have an imagionary friend to assure you it will be okay? Do you relaly wanna share your imagionary friend with millions of other people? We are frail creations searching for the answers in the wrong places. Believing in a so called God makes for no room for advancement to find out where we are really from. To make peace with each other. To stop killing people over who's got the better imagionary friend. Time to stop killing ourselves. Your god does nothing. If there is a god, he is childish. The same people who believe abortion is wrong are the people that think eternal damnation for not believing in THEIR mindset is true and just. Society will fall apart as we know it and we will forever be in a state of cluelessness as to where we are from and to where we are headed. Yes, we are America. Yes they are Europe, China, Russia, Australia, Africa and other countries. Who are we to impose our will upon other nations? Who are you to impose your religious beliefs on me? Who am I to belittle the collective thoughts of the human race? But we share this planet. We share it with each other and we need to respect each other or parish because those are the only options. The sun won't last forever, people. Quit accepting things as an enevitability and make a difference in this world.
That is all. Thank you for reading.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Atheist,
Hello Everyone,
Welcome to another edition of Updates of My Live by me. My sister had her baby since my last blog, I lost someone whom I thought cared for me but apparently doesn't, and apparently I'm growing tired of the human race.
Firstly, baby creationism: the act of making more humans to populate the earth by shooting DNA into various receptive orifices thus creating a surplus population far outweighing what the planet can handle. Point in hand, my sister keeps making more little people. She had her second baby so close to her first baby that for 2 weeks out of the year, they are going to be the same age. Give it 2 weeks, she'll be pregnant again. The new kid on the block is a blondie, premature. 5 pounds of cuteness. I'll try to have pictures up of him sooner or later, for anyone interested in that sort of thing.
Secondly, the usual aspect of my life that's always in disarray is out of order again. I ended up not going to see Elizabeth because she talked me out of it, slowly but surely things fell apart. Who didn't see that coming, honestly? She'd assure me of shit all the time, lull me into a false sense of security and make me believe the smooth words she would say to be in fact, truths when they were quite fictitious. I've bulleted the chain of events as follows, most of this I didn't learn in this order, and mostly over a long period of time.
-Started talking again and became closer.
-Discussed actually meeeting each other.
-Proceeded to make it a reality and purchased a plane ticket.
-Three days before liftoff, things start to mess up.
-No longer interested in relationship, but wants to cuddle and things.
-I state that slowly things will deminish between us, I get assured that won't happen.
-No longer wants to cuddle or anything.
-No longer wants me to visit.
-I learn its because I told a friend, FRIEND, that I loved her too (More will be explained down below).
-Got assured that its not me, she doesn't want a relationship in general.
-Just read a bulletin that states there is in fact another guy and she apparently screwed me over because that me saying "I love you" to my friend is a convenient way to blame all of this on me.
Okay, bullshit right here. I care about everyone, she knows that. I know that. Everyone I know knows that. I grew up with a whole lot of nothing. A rather large amount of small. No friends, no money, nothing. I get older, I finally acquire friends, I appreciate them. They give me love and I give it back, thats how it works. You love friends, and I strictly told my friend that I loved her as a friend cuz she's a great friend. She's always been there for me, way more than Elizabeth ever has. So I guess she tried to make me look like the bad guy as soon as she possibly could. She fucking told me so much shit, had me believing in a false reality, making me think "Hey, she might be the real deal," and I slowly began opening myself up to her, to my dismay. Tossed me aside like I was week old tampons, lost all feeling for me and everything. God forbid, she was always around her guy friends and shit, i didn't mind. She'd always be texting while I was trying to talk to her on the phone, but when I text her, she NEVER responds. She tells me "DJ, I have no minutes so we can't talk" yet she can call her Mike friend first thing in the morning when she wouldn't even call me, nor text. She'd call me LAST at the end of the day, and not even answer me when I was trying to talk to her. She'd snap at me for no reason, and I've been nothing but understanding and she called me her best friend last night and this shit happens? Forget her. I put my heart out to her for the first real thing that has ever come along in my life. I knew it was a mistake. I did nothing wrong. I appreciate it when people care about me and I make sure all of them know I care backbut when you do this shit to me, thats an immediate write out. I don't have many friends but the ones I do, I love. Its not MY fault she doesn't have many close friends. If she wouldn't do this shit to people, she could tell her friends she loves them too. She had the fucking audacity to conjecture that I cannot say it to women but I can say it to men. She stated that shit I said to girls in the past still mattered, yet when it comes to her, "Everyone has a past." She lied to me about having sex with this one guy. Lied 19 times as far as I'm concerned cuz thats how many times she spread her legs for him. Forget her. I wish her the best of luck with herself and her endevours. "Is it the warmth in her touch, or the sweetness thats in her kiss.. My heart's telling me, never let go of this.. is it the look in her eyes or the brightness thats in her smile.. I walked the world for her, she couldn't walk me a mile."
Lastly, but definitely not leastly, population! I have a beef with the populous of this big blue ball of water we call earth. Everyone in it. Everyone has secrets, and as Elizabeth stated, everyone has a past. In this close-minded society, everyone considers their mind the center of the universe and as far as I'm concerned, the only real thing is in fact, our minds and the grand scheme of life is merily an illusion brought forth by electronic stimuli accumulated in our brains. Life would be so much easier to change it with a thought. Most people are self-rightous losers who want to look for the simplest answer possible and place responsibility elsewhere. Emotionally it may help, but physically, believing in a God that hasn't shown himself to us, believing in a God that tells direct lies to us that we can easily disprove with scientific fact, how can people blindly obey what they are told? They know its rediculous. They plant this seed in their childrens minds that there is a Jesus, that there is a God, that there is a Heaven and place called Hell. But what is Hell exactly? We have fire here, we have maggots here? We have all of the things contained in hell here on the surface of this planet. So we are in hell. Heaven? No place can be perfect, not one place can be. If God is so mighty, he'd have changed the state of things, he'd have done a whole lot more than what hes doing for us. He's got the power yet sits on the sidelines knowing the outcomes. A christian himself stated that when someone induces prayer, those lovely "Feel good" endorphyns are released into our brains to give you this self-satisfaction. Okay, proof right there from his own mouth. That isn't god, thats your own body's doing. You mentally believe that there is a god and so does your body. If you believe something hard enough, your body will believe it. If you believe praying to a god will make you feel better, it will. But it's falsified euphoria. If you believe you have cancer, your body will create cancer. If you lose hope in living, you will die. Our bodies function in the mere fact that we think we are alive, it seems. Quit placing your problems into the hands of a god that doesn't exist and learn to deal with your own problems. Is your life really that bad that you need to have an imagionary friend to assure you it will be okay? Do you relaly wanna share your imagionary friend with millions of other people? We are frail creations searching for the answers in the wrong places. Believing in a so called God makes for no room for advancement to find out where we are really from. To make peace with each other. To stop killing people over who's got the better imagionary friend. Time to stop killing ourselves. Your god does nothing. If there is a god, he is childish. The same people who believe abortion is wrong are the people that think eternal damnation for not believing in THEIR mindset is true and just. Society will fall apart as we know it and we will forever be in a state of cluelessness as to where we are from and to where we are headed. Yes, we are America. Yes they are Europe, China, Russia, Australia, Africa and other countries. Who are we to impose our will upon other nations? Who are you to impose your religious beliefs on me? Who am I to belittle the collective thoughts of the human race? But we share this planet. We share it with each other and we need to respect each other or parish because those are the only options. The sun won't last forever, people. Quit accepting things as an enevitability and make a difference in this world.
That is all. Thank you for reading.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Atheist,