Some of you may remember my old pride picture.
This year, after the pride parade, I found myself walking behind two young women, holding hands. Nothing else. Like my old pride picture, their expression of love was just that, with no political statement. -- a living expression of the purpose of pride. Then I remembered that my original pride picture was over 20 years old -- So I took their picture and went up to ask them if it was OK. ... and a strange thing happened.
These girls and their friends had been at pride, Some tits out, in full pride style.. a number of people take their pictures as such (they are all gorgeous!) Of all the people who had taken their picture, I was the only one who had asked for their permission. This was becoming a low-grade upset for them.
So, a reminder that shouldn't need to be said (but does):
When dealing with all of the pretty people at pride and elsewhere in your life, please remember that they are people first and pretty second. They all deserve to be treated as such.
In love 😍
love is in the air ❤️🌈