So... I'm not going to comment about the festival. Well... ok The festival was awesome. The rest of the weekend sucked cock like a toothless crack whore at the greek fest. So yeah. I'll leave that there.

Have you ever hated someone you love? It's so conflicted isn't it. So T- wont give me back my damn ring. I mean... she broke up with me,...
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give him his ring back!!!!!
Off to the Fairy Festival tommorrow. I already did my hair... it looks so... I wont comment on that. I don't know if i'll be posting pictures of this one. lol My hair's long and in a ponytail. I don't think it looks good on me, but whatever. This should all be fun. I'll see you guys next week! smile
lol, it cant be as bad as you say it is...and what exactly is a fairy festival?? EL SUICIDO LOCO
It's like a harvest fest. It was pretty cool. There were drummers, and vendors selling strange fantasy stuff... it had a scotish/nortic theme to it.
School again, school again, jiggity jig.

So I registered for my classes today. Tuesday and thursday I'll be in school from 7:30am to 6:40pm. That's going to suck, but I have to deal. The journey of a thousand miles begins with lighting a cig and wondering how stupid you are for walking a thousand miles when you could just drive or fly... wait... that's not...
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Lacking of anything new to update ( I'm still single and looking ), I'll just... post another character intro. Just as a reminder to you great people out there, these are just intros of full chapters within the story and there are goings on beyond them. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm writing a story called "Crying Whispers: Echoes Beyond Tears". The...
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Bordem deserves satisfaction. So... I decided to post yet another portion of my current writing project, "Crying Whispers: Echoes Beyond Tears". Alot of people don't understand the title. You ever cried so long and hard that all you could do was whisper...? You couldn't even talk... all you could do was mutter short lines between sobs and hiccups? Well, it's a draw to that. Crying...
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yummy...intriguing...i love it...must.read.again! love
If I ever made a real personals article, I'm sure it would read something like this:

"Bi Blk M ISO F who has some sort of intellegence and sence of what she wants. Must NOT be flakey, and must be willing to accept gifts often. BBW's adored. Racists hated."

... Am I too picky? confused Or maybe I'm just weird... surreal

Well whatever. I'm stuck in a...
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I don't think that personal ad is too picky or weird.
So... I finally did a set thing for a group. Actually... my friend Amber wanted a nudie set... lol so I figured... what the hell? Why not? So I posted it to a group I'm in. Hope they like it... I hope my friend likes it too.

Other then that... I've been sick the past couple of days... I think I just have a cold...
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I will have to check that out, never heard of the group...but yeah... biggrin wink
Welcome to the BCB group.
Bills bills bills. My mother should have just named me "Pae Mai Bilz" Rather then what I am named. Cause... it seems that all I do is pay bills. lol. My bills... other people's bills... other people's friends bills. Ah well... anyway...

Nothing new's going on here. I finished the second section of Crying Whispers... I'm wondering about it all though. I'm into the third...
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More people who annoy the hell out of me: People who think they're God's gift to mankind. You know one... everyone does. One of those people who walk arround half dressed, thinking they're the sexiest person in existance - even though they're not. You know them... the kind of person who compares themselves to others like it really matters: "Oh look at her... I look...
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More people who annoy the hell outta me: Hip-hop fanboys/girls. You know... the kinda person who sits infront of the tv watching BET/MTV music videos all day till they know the worlds to a certain song that only comes on once anyway. The kinda person who comes limping down the street like they'd been hit by a car, all while dressed in oversized Phat Farm...
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