Well... it's been almost 6 months shy of 2 years. Damn... Well... anywayz... thanks to whoever decided to reactivate my account. So... it looks like I'm back for a month... possibly more. We'll see.

Right now, I'm going to school for networking and security. It's hard but my classmates are awesome and the teachers are good so... we'll see.
OK! I don't get it. Guys... guys guys guys. When you go into a cam chat, why are you so stupid? First off, "u talk lk this", or "LIKE THIS", or "jejeje u talking thiz". Then you're font is an abnoxious neon green, or yellow that half the people can't read - no it doesn't make you stand out, it makes you get ignored... fast....
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So... I've been at my job for a year and a half and I still hate it. People are so stupid sometimes. I had a lady who didn't know jesus died in "The Passion". It kinda bugs me sometimes. Anyway, I'm facing an intresting choice next year.The great state of NJ still believes I make too much money to get financial aid for school, so......
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People really annoy the living hell out of me you know. I just don't get them. They confuse me. But I'm not ranting about that for now. If you wanna hear me rant on try and find me on yahoo 360 or on livejournal or something. There's rants there.
For now? An actual update.

I got laid off from my job last month and have...
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You ever ended a long term friendship and felt satisfied that you did it? Have you ever left someone and felt like a weight was lifted off your sholder? I've recently ended a friendship with someone i've known since highschool. Honestly... I feel better about myself now because I did. I would have done anything for her and I cared about her greatly, but slowly...
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Wow... it's been almost 2 months. This sucks. Well anyways, Things have been crazy lately. I took up dept managment at my job, and have been through 2 departments already and they're making "HUGE CHANGES" ( !!! ) so I have no clue what'll be happening in the next week or so. They're making "teams" to do the store work. Each "team" will be in...
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"So... I bearly even knew the kid..."

My copmputer died shortly after my last update... so I fell off the face of the earth for a while, with no way to even get on or anything. Shit sucks. I got a new one but it's a slow POS.

I went to Duke's Big F**kin Deal and I had fun. I ended up going to the...
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Duke's Big F*CKING Deal is comming up June 18th. Why do I wonder about this one? Last time Duke had a Big F*CKIN Deal two friends ended up using the safe house as a sex pad... dispite the fact that 2 other people were trying to detox and sleep. So I wonder. Well anywayz, I wont be using the Safe House. I'd sooner go home...
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i dont think your defective...you are the way you are and you cant help it. *shrug* dont give it another though babe kiss
Single single single... single single single... I am very single... hating being single... Ride'em in, roll em up, smoke some weed, drinks some booze, gets some ass, fuck a bitch, single! ... yeah right. So anywayz, I hung out with my very good friend Twen yesterday. I was actually thinking about her that day because I had some stuff to tell her, and she showed...
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SO... I left my camera in my friends car. I called her up and she came by my house to give it back to me and... death. The camera's LCD screen was totally cracked up and broken. So... as much as I tried, i couldn't get my pictures from the festival off the camera ( they were in internal memory ) so... I just returned...
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awww, I'm sorry to hear about your camara. Write down lots of stories for you to lok back on...they're just as good, if not better than pictures!