Still snowing...damn! lol
I'll try again tonight to go see Synecdoche, New York downtown. I could walk there but this hill is pretty dangerous in the snow I REALLY want to see it!
Somehow acorns have been getting into my car's tailpipes. I first noticed this back at the beginning of November. Whenever I drove somewhere I could smell what seemed like burning walnuts. I was afraid there was something fucked up with my car but when I opened the hood I couldn't smell it. Then one day I was walking past my car and noticed something sitting in the tailpipe. It was an acorn. I took it out and sure enough, it gave off that "walnut" smell. I thought the problem was solved but more acorns would show up in my pipes and the "walnut" smell contnued. Then Friday, when I was leaving work, I saw what I first thought was a leaf stem sticking out of one of my pipes. It was NOT a leaf stem but a TAIL-attached to a very frozen, dead little mouse! So I don't know what's going on...if someone is putting shit in my tailpipes as some kind of prank or if somehow that little mouse was living and storing acorns in my pipes and something went wrong and it died. I don't see how it could have gotten up to the pipes but I know animals have their ways,lol.
So that's one of my lifes little mysteries,lol!
I'll try again tonight to go see Synecdoche, New York downtown. I could walk there but this hill is pretty dangerous in the snow I REALLY want to see it!
Somehow acorns have been getting into my car's tailpipes. I first noticed this back at the beginning of November. Whenever I drove somewhere I could smell what seemed like burning walnuts. I was afraid there was something fucked up with my car but when I opened the hood I couldn't smell it. Then one day I was walking past my car and noticed something sitting in the tailpipe. It was an acorn. I took it out and sure enough, it gave off that "walnut" smell. I thought the problem was solved but more acorns would show up in my pipes and the "walnut" smell contnued. Then Friday, when I was leaving work, I saw what I first thought was a leaf stem sticking out of one of my pipes. It was NOT a leaf stem but a TAIL-attached to a very frozen, dead little mouse! So I don't know what's going on...if someone is putting shit in my tailpipes as some kind of prank or if somehow that little mouse was living and storing acorns in my pipes and something went wrong and it died. I don't see how it could have gotten up to the pipes but I know animals have their ways,lol.
So that's one of my lifes little mysteries,lol!
Happy Holidays!