insomnia struck again, went and ate last night, then went and bought 2 movies (big fish~n~stuck on you) not bad movies. didnt finish watching those til about 4 am, then i saw that high spirits (movie from the 80's) was on TV and i just had to watch it! me and my brother used to watch that and the princess bride all the time when we were younger, awwwww memories well i was gonna go to bed but im not tired, and were going to go to some car show today, should be fun (i hope) gonna take lots of pictures! bought ratchet and clank and havent played it yet, i just got the demo for fight night so im gonna try that out, should be good, will write more later if i dont pass out, muahzzzzzzz
Your into piercings, oral, kink and video games - shall I tell you I love you now or later?