At the advanced screening of "Serenity", last Thursday, I met members of the "Montreal Browncoats" which are basically a group of hardcore "Firefly" GEEKS. They were nice enough to let me join their ranks - which are mainly composed of actual girls! w00t - and I am now eagerly awaiting my first shindig . (Btw, Cameron, if you're reading this, shouts out to you for introducing me to "Veronica Mars"! You rock!).
It was friggin' insane though. The movie was supposed to play at 7:30 but my friend and I got there at around 6:30 and we were actually about the 6th or 7th group in line. By 7:00, when they finally let us in, enough people were there to completely fill up the room and some of the people that came in late had to stay out being as how the tickets that we got from the passes didn't assure seating, which was on a "first-come, first-serve" basis.
As for the movie... Oh man... Oh man... So good. Soooooooo good. That's pretty much all that can be said about the movie without spoiling any of it. I brought a friend of mine, who normally scowers in fear and whimpers everytime the word "sci-fi" is mentioned, to go see this and I'm super happy to know that she genuinely liked it. I highly recommend seeing this movie unless you have horrible taste and generally dislike wit, action, characters with depth and stories that can be read on several layers. In which case I can say, with a fair amount of certainty, that you're an ass and deserve to be put in a room and FORCED to listen to O-Zone's "Numa Numa" over and over and over again until your head explodes! KAPLOOEY, BITCH! KAPLOOEY!
"We will rule ove this land and we will call it... This Land." -Wash (playing with the dinosaur toys)