Hi beautiful people! So, despite my best efforts I've been away again. So here's part of why!
Had to do a job which involved surveying through some really nasty oak brush, it wasn't awesome. About all I found was an old road-bed that hasn't been used by anyone except bears in at least 60 years.
Still, it wasn't a bad area to be working in...
Then it was off to Wyoming for some more survey, plus some test holes. To get there, though, we got to run through some of my favorite spots in Utah!
There was Flaming Gorge and the surrounding area
where I saw some sheep (right by Sheep Creek, strangely enough). But first we went through Vernal, which is not an exciting town. But it does have one major perk:
If you ever find yourself driving US40 do yourself a favor and so at this awesome spot! Best Mexican food in several states!
Wyoming was an entirely different story. We were working in a lithic landscape. That means that there are literally thousands of flakes and cores EVERYWHERE you look!
Here's a quartzite core, people would hit this to make a flake that could be used for something else.
We found only one good looking formal tool:
This Late Prehistoric point is a little young (recent) for my taste, but it's pretty AND it's obsidian!
Kemmerer, the town we were staying in, does have one claim to fame:
It's the hone of the first-ever JC Penny's! Not that I'm big on the history of retail, but really there's NOTHING going on up there.
Since I got home it's been a mad rush to try to get grad school applications in (which I'm still working on😟) but I got interrupted... My poor cat got sick again! (@vanp same damn thing that happened to him this spring!!) It wasn't bad, he's fine, but it's so stressful for me when he doesn't feel well. That, and getting ready for more fieldwork and I just haven't had any time.
So... Congrats to @hylia on her latest SOTD and her newest set! Also to @katherine on the new Poke-multi! And @marlene for the sexiest French maid set ever shot! @avrora finally got to the FP, and @fay even went back-to-back with two SOTDs! Congrats to all these ladies and everyone I haven't caught up with yet!
Wish me luck, beautiful people... There's a lot of applying yet to do, and then I still need to be accepted!
P.S.-Halloween, I recycled, but it's a classic:
@missy, @rambo, @lyxzen keep'em coming! Just because I'm woefully behind with my homework(s) doesn't mean I'm not enjoying the topics!