A fine evening beautiful people! I've been really enjoying this blog homework topic, but it took me a while to narrow down the options. While I could go with a number of others here are my three:
Indiana Jones! Because I'm an archaeologist (though the field has advanced considerably since his day, by my standards he's just another damn looter), and I HATE Nazis. I don't get to battle them in my work, that's for my free time. And he's irresistible to the ladies (OK, OK, I'm still working on that one😘).
Atrocitus of the Red Lanterns. I too am a man governed by my passions. I've been known to fly into furious rages. I cannot stand oppression and always try to stand up for the helpless and downtrodden. And if you fuck with my cat you will absolutely die. Oh yes, and from time to time I puke blood (though mine isn't napalm).
And finally
Little kid Gohan. I'm a child at heart, I approach my world with wonder and delight. I love animals (LOVE them!!) and I try to be carefree as much as possible. And (I like to think, anyway) I'm more badass than I realize!
Thanks as always to @rambo, @missy, and @lyxzen for the awesome topic!