A big thanks to @missy @rambo and @lyxzen for this one! It's been a while since I did a blog homework, but this is just too perfect to pass up.
First off, I prefer the word dork personally. To my mind nerd implies a certain level of mathematical ability, which I absolutely do not possess.
I am, however, a huge dork.
I love (LOVE!!!!) analog gaming. D&D (3.5 still, for the most part), Star Wars D20, DC Adventures... All are fantastic RPGs. I'm also big on tabletop wargames. Warhammer (old-school Fantasy, not this new Age of Sigmar crap) and Warhammer 40k are the shit!
I love fantasy. Books, mind you. I'm a purest-film adaptations of fantasy books are always crap. I've always got a novel in my pocket. Total bibliophile.
I'm a complete sucker for animals. Cats, especially (they turn me into a gibbering idiot), but all animals. I want a bumper sticker warning drivers that 'I break for vermin'.
I also totally love history (and prehistory) and culture. I'm fascinated by every little thing I learn about faraway lands and long ago days. Which works out well with my work...
I'm a particular dork for chipped stone (artifacts). I get ridiculously excited about lithic artifacts, and not just pretty ones like this Middle-LateArchaic Basant point. I can blissfully dork out for hours playing with waste flakes.
I could probably go on for days, but suffice to say, I live by the motto 'Dorks have more fun!'
P.S.-I turn 30 on Saturday (I know, I'm a geezery-ass old geezer!)... definitely not doing a wish list, but if anyone wants to give condolences it'll no doubt fit well with the day. Probably going to be drinking and singing Bastards on Parade ("I've lost all the time that I had in this world, I've spent it unwisely-unwisely I see...")