So I'm working on a nice lingering neck injury, I suspect a damaged disk, and some blog HW seemed just the thing to take my mind off the searing pain... Thanks to @missy and @rambo for so many choices. This seemed a good place to start.
1. I'm an archaeologist. Which, no, actually doesn't mean I'm Indiana Jones... I do real science and rarely battle Nazis in my work. I spend a lot of time hiking through the woods FOR SCIENCE!
2. To achieve this I not only graduated from college, but graduated summa cum laude. My thesis was 147 pages of awesome dorkery. Before that, however, I dropped out of high school and ate drugs for a couple years.
3. I'm a huge stoner (OK, this may not come as a shock to some), but I'm also an intellectual. I like to show the world that the two don't have to be mutually exclusive.
4. I'm an anarchist. That doesn't mean I strive for chaos. What anarchism means to me is the rejection of unjustified authority. I believe, at least in theory, that people are capable of taking care of themselves and the world without the need for rules and barriers telling how to do it all the time.
5. While the two don't always go together, I'm also a punk rocker. In my glory days (well for 12 years, actually) I had a pretty badass mohawk.
Sadly since then nature has robbed me of that particular pleasure.
6. I'm also a huge dork. I love fantasy books, I play D&D/Warhammer/40k etc, and I love history (and prehistory, obviously).
7. I'm super, ridiculously ticklish. More so in since areas than others, but to a massive degree.
8. I'm what we call in the States a PK, or preacher's kid. Both of my parents are members of the Christian clergy (though in different denominations).
9. I myself, however, am a Buddhist. I'll freely admit that I'm not terribly devout and I definitely don't get my ass on the mat as often as I should, but that's what clicks for me.
10. Io parlo un po di Italiano. (Not a great deal, I haven't had any real opportunity to use it since university).