Back on the Rock. Civilization lacks civility. Wedding went well, nary a dry eye in the house.
Scored this little hunny in Oaktown. The thing has tone for days: belching; evil; growl, (not) christian goth
Jamboree, yessire Bob, now now. Was somewhat taken by the young folks in Oaktown. Very serious, they are
no joke, no joy. My fault, of course. Good food, good art,...
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School starts tomorrow and I must secure a text book. More Orchids are going off. Voltaire's Set rocks the Stygian depths, Annubis nuzzles her exquisite feet in welcome.

The boys' new school sounds as though it might be inhabited by intelligent life forms.
In a fury of trying to finish writing this fucking wedding ceremony I was stopped by the thought of how strange it was that these two aware young people should want to actually go and get married.

Then again, I truly believed that the Jetson's portrayal of "life in the future," would become our collective reality.

Trying to mentally prepare for a trip to Calipornia. Officiating at "my nephew's wedding." I have about one tenth of the ceremony written and deadline is looming. L.A. for a couple nights to see Dad, all that remains of our great family line (hardy, har, har!) This will require a visit to the therapist for some fine-tuning. All friends from the city of my birth...
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hahaha! I've met Apnea, and shes the shorter one tongue
Even with the passage of time, with a plan, a great design, we stumble so miserably...
i left Hawaii to persue the job that you hold, i listen the senior grad students in the program and everything they talk about is very detached, i can't help but think the more time you spend working with people who are isolated and live inside themselves, the harder it is to wipe your feet at the door at the end of the day, the urge to become a-social and to internalize more and more becomes dominant.
its getting colder here right now and i miss my surffboard. i've been here one year, i couldn't imagine being anything but miserable here in the mid west.
i thought your other picture was much darker...