Wow, I just spent a good hour looking at women that are curvy and have hips on one of the threads... Makes me feel sexy. I never believe the hubby when he says I am. I now have more of an understanding of what he sees.

Evey is doing good. She is evil as always. Might make an attempt today to actually get up and...
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Yup believe your hubby he knows what he's talking about! Even when you feel your "ugliest" he sees the beauty in you!!! I tell my wife all the time but most times she doesn't believe me, lol Charish his words for one day he may stop telling you!!!
Getting ready to take my youngest to go get fixed frown. I hate having to do this but I know it's for her own good. After helping out rescues and seeing the innocence at the shelters... I'll post pics of the kids later on today. It'll keep me preoccupied until she comes home and I can baby her. Hopefully this will calm her down a...
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hello and welcomesmile
Hello, thank you