Started my externship today. It doesn't Actually count though due to paperwork items. Stayed from 930- 5ish.it wasn't a big day but I learned a few things. Like things in the real world don't happen like in the books lol watched a spay and neuter. Held some kittens, pet a bird, made an ass out of myself. I felt so bad I was told to...
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Wow sound's tasty. Much better then the bachelor chow I it every day. Hope you have a great Sunday.
miao!! miao!! miao!!
I really want to write something positive... But besides having an amazing hubby and the things I did this weekend I'm pretty blah...

We went to a party at our x neighbors house. It was fun. They rescued a dog and he's such a sweetheart. The neighbor guy is one of those very outgoing people, so much so that he sorta rubs off on you....
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I'm glad that the concert went well and that you had a good time at the party. I hope you feel better soon, and yes that shirt and those earings are epic ^_^
Pretty happy pix!
Todays blog is about lots of complaining....

Well first off a good note lol I got 3 video games
Dark cloud ( ps2) addictive
Folklore I really liked it, one of the only games I've ever finished
3D dot game hero

Id post pic but I'm too lazy to wanna turn on the actual computer, I'm using the iPad and you can't attach pic with...
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Thanks for writing on my blog, that was good stuff. I can see that you have a lot going on! I don't have kids, but I can relate to the strong desires of wanting one. And I can relate to body issues and wanting to help your mother. You said that you blogged about your father and I look forward to reading some of that.

Did you find a sexy dress? miao!!
I have a sexy dress but I voted against wearing it. Instead I wore a skirt and tank. Which was way more appropriate. Thanks for the comments ladies.
So my trip was way too short... Drove for 14 hours. Received a few honks because we had to stop 3 times to fix the tarp on the trailer, then eventually take it off. Had some Ihop <3 they super stuffed my crepe. We redid the tarp and it did alot better then what my friends husband attempted to do.

I love my friends family....
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Beautiful cat pictures! I enjoyed the detail of your trip --- I can relate to long train travel and soggy fries. I've never tried to bath a cat. smile
I figure everything happens for a reason, even the crappy stuff. So as long as I learn from it, it has a positive outcome ^_^
I know I said I wouldn't be on here for a little while but Aerialtitan did awesome tonight! He should be posting videos.tongue

Have a great weekend!
Woot!! Hope you have a great visit!!
So cute, I was giving hubby kisses and Evey got super jealous.kiss she kept nosing, nibbling and circulating the chair. Hubby has been working so hard to learn the bass and his show got cancelled again. frown good thing is I get to leave earlier.

My hair looks like someone puke on my head. I wanna go blond again. It was sexy. I'm too impatient to wait...
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My cat does the same thing when I give my man a backrub, he does everything he can to get his head in the way. Sadness on the cancelled show, but I hope your new hairdo comes out fabulous. I also hope that there are much much better days ahead...filled with sunshine, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, and booze ^_^
You deserve a few drinks for what your going through. I on the other hand am staying very far away from booze. A three day hangover is a little overboard for my body. blackeyedblush
Well I don't feel like death anymore. Got a 6 pack now, a maybe concussion and a hubby who loves me very much! The girls have been with me hanging out in the bedroom for 2 days now. Finally ate something today about noonish.. We are all now hanging out in the living room. I love my cats lol boots is like my little shadow....
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I'm glad that you are doing better. Cats know just what to do when you are feeling under the weather, I'm glad your furbabies gave you the attention you needed. I hope you have a super awesome time visiting your friend's family, I'm going to be doing the same thing this Saturday ^_^
Its okay, a good cry, some ranting, some reassurance from my man, and a good night's sleep later and I am feeling a lot better about the situation. Clearly the goddess is letting me know that I need to get serious about my finances and not just skate by and not pay attention to my bills. If I had been diligent about checking up on it I could have avoided all this.
Thank you for saying the fur babies are cute.. I like to think they get their good looks from the hubby. Evey got all my bad traits and boots received all the good. So far today she destroyed a blanket and the last of our lights outside. I really thought that getting her fixed would chill her out a little bit. I told hubby yesterday, I wish I could just give her some mj to make her chill out. I'm surprised her stitches are still intact. I am going to try to feed her more and grab some more toys and chew things for her. Hopefully the variety helps. Her brothers legs and the stuff around our house is taking the grunt of her "just being a puppy". She gets rawhides and pig ears... Oh forgot to mention caught her rolling around in her brothers pee today... That threw me for a loop....

Well, early happy mommy day to you! I hope that you have a nice relaxing day tomorrow, sounds like you've earned it.
It was an interesting night wink let me first start off with my easy day. Hubby cleaned house, went shopping for cookies and bacon for me, cooked dinner and made dessert. All I had to do was grocery shop ( he got the things I missed) and work out with him. I also boiled and shredded the chicken for dinner... Pretty spoiled huh?

So the interesting...
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Stouffers mac and cheese, does the trick every time ^_^ It is a sharp burning sort of pain when you get your nipples done, you can feel the needle sliding all the way through, but its over pretty quickly. It is sore for the rest of the day, kinda throbs but tylenol and a few drinks later and you won't feel a thing. I think that the pain is pretty short lived for how awesome it is, I completely love them. It definitely will make your nip nice and perky too ^_^
I get seriously nauseated at the sight of my blood, so I totally understand. I kept my eyes closed the entire time that I was getting pierced and I think that it really helped. I'm Wiccan so I also brought my favorite calming crystal with me.