damn... been almost a month since the last journal entry.
FleshFest 2007 was a blast! Lots of fun and plenty of food. Thanks everyone for coming over and making it fun.
Still working on the bathroom downstairs. Since I'm using slate tile (Genges Kund from the Tile Shop) esch individual tile is different looking and I'm really meticulous when it comes to doing work like this. So I'm basicly having to go through all my tile (I have them all layed out on the floor) and pick out which ones I think will look best next to each other. Another thing that happened while I was checking the tile was that one of the tiles I picked up didn't look right. I used a framing square to check its... squareness, and it wasn't! It was actually a parallelogram! It was off square by about 1/4 inch adn really pissed me off.
After finding my 3rd tile like that I decided to go through all my boxes to see which ones were good and which were bad. It turned out I ended up with 7 BOXES of non-square tiles!! Each box holds 40 tiles so that makes 280 tiles I had to bring back to exchange!!! And of the ones I exchanged, I'm bringing back 4 boxes to exchange again!! I also have 1 box of tile that were either damaged or scratched I need to bring back.
So that is mainly what is taking me so long to get this tiling done.
other than that, just the same old shit. Going downtown tonight to eat at the new Brazilian steakhouse Fogo De Choa. I can't wait!! then I think we are going to hit the Saloon for GothProm for a bit.

FleshFest 2007 was a blast! Lots of fun and plenty of food. Thanks everyone for coming over and making it fun.

Still working on the bathroom downstairs. Since I'm using slate tile (Genges Kund from the Tile Shop) esch individual tile is different looking and I'm really meticulous when it comes to doing work like this. So I'm basicly having to go through all my tile (I have them all layed out on the floor) and pick out which ones I think will look best next to each other. Another thing that happened while I was checking the tile was that one of the tiles I picked up didn't look right. I used a framing square to check its... squareness, and it wasn't! It was actually a parallelogram! It was off square by about 1/4 inch adn really pissed me off.

So that is mainly what is taking me so long to get this tiling done.
other than that, just the same old shit. Going downtown tonight to eat at the new Brazilian steakhouse Fogo De Choa. I can't wait!! then I think we are going to hit the Saloon for GothProm for a bit.

Not gonna happen. I rule at water balloon fights. Ask my kids

Damn that's a lot of shit your going threw, you try laying out all the tiles somewhere else to make sure they are all good and you can put them in a patteren you want them to be in. Also I think I left my folding chair there, it's a blue one.