Okay it's been a few years since the last blog entry, so I thought "what the hell"? I might as well post another entry.
As 2007 comes to a close it's been a good year. Just finished up my fourth semester of grad school and, once again, pulled out a 4.0 This might have been the hardest semester to do that, as I'm now teaching...
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As 2007 comes to a close it's been a good year. Just finished up my fourth semester of grad school and, once again, pulled out a 4.0 This might have been the hardest semester to do that, as I'm now teaching...
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Another day, another interview. This time for the marketing/co op teacher at a local high school. I think I did much better this time and I wouldn't be surprised if I get the job. We shall see. Hopefully I'll hear from them today saying I am hired.
I have a fucking cold again and it's kicking my ass. I'm so fucking tired and I have...
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I have a fucking cold again and it's kicking my ass. I'm so fucking tired and I have...
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faye is a lovely girl

thanks for the sweet comment on my set!

Well, didn't get the job last week. Fucking sucks. I do have an interview in the next couple of days at a high school, so hopefully that'll go better. I need to get a job doing what I love, and although I like selling cars, I don't LOVE it.
Anyway, not much to say right now. Gotta run to work.
Anyway, not much to say right now. Gotta run to work.
I'll have my own website soon and there's another site I want to model for but I can't talk about it on here.
how about I give you my email address?
Damn, I love women who wear cool shoes and paint their toes. Talk about sexy. Fuck me. Check out Andromeda. she has a couple of fantastic photos on her main page which demonstrate what I'm talking about.
Have an interview in about 40 minutes. 6th Grade history. Fuck I'm nervous. I'm not used to interviewing (it's been a long time since I've switched jobs and...
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Have an interview in about 40 minutes. 6th Grade history. Fuck I'm nervous. I'm not used to interviewing (it's been a long time since I've switched jobs and...
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What a day. Have an upper respiratory infection and spent the better part of the day at the VA getting seen by a doctor. Damn I'm glad I don't have to pay for it. Makes me wonder why anyone would want socialized medical coverage.
Anyway, I have the day off and then tomorrow it 'll be back to selling cars. Anyone need a new car?
Anyway, I have the day off and then tomorrow it 'll be back to selling cars. Anyone need a new car?
Damn. Andromeda and Mary have posted new sets. If only Seraphim and Invidia would do so this would be a december to remember. Yes, I need to get laid!
You sound hot! Let's hook up!
Dude! I put that I'm into big boobs too. So I searched for other members who put big boobs thinking I wouldn't find any. But you're name came up. That's awesome. Big boobs rock.
Yes it's early, but I can't sleep so I decided to see if they added my news story to this site, but of course they didn't. Why would they? It shows the duplicity in which the UN engages. Heaven forbid someone should question things. Unless of course, you question in a politically correct way.
Anyway, I continuously read how the Bush admin is a bad...
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Anyway, I continuously read how the Bush admin is a bad...
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First Journal Entry:
One week from now I will be out of the Navy. Yes!!! Thank god. Now if I can just get off the depression medication and stop having these obsessive thoughts, life will be good. What do I think about? Lots of stuff. Mainly I think a lot about death. Sometimes I get to thinking about sex a lot. Whatever. Nothing a cold...
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One week from now I will be out of the Navy. Yes!!! Thank god. Now if I can just get off the depression medication and stop having these obsessive thoughts, life will be good. What do I think about? Lots of stuff. Mainly I think a lot about death. Sometimes I get to thinking about sex a lot. Whatever. Nothing a cold...
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PS i hope you had a good 4th of july