So now I am a professional at talking to your voicemail. I kept stumbling over my words. heh. Im sorry about the long voicemails, but when I get nervous, I start to ramble. Ugh. I feel sick. You know where I stand on this whole thing. I didnt want to break up, at all. So its whatever you want. I've been waiting for a simple phone call from you. My cell phone network is down right now. I keep hoping that every car that drives down my road is you. When my dog barks I look out the window. I just want to know where you stand on this. Im really willing to work on us because i love you. Anyway Im getting off the computer. Call the number Ive been calling you at if you want to talk. I dont know if you will, but as I keep saying any contact outside of suicidegirls would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for two wonderful months. Im sorry I couldnt be what you wanted. Im also sorry you couldnt tell me how you felt. I want us to work, but if you cant talk to me, the person you say you love, then I guess its stupid to even try. We met at the wrong time in my life. You're the kind of person I wanted to be with for a long time. But I was terrified of losing you. Now I feel as though this is a lost cause.