yeah so i pissed off my supervisor today because i was right and he was wrong. It was fuckin awesome. My girlfriend is so awesome. i can't wait until my trip to new jersey. my girlfriend and i are going to a tattoo expo show, it'll be great. one more month to go, rock on.
well shit yesterday was like so much fun and i'm runnin on 3 hours of sleep in a 31 hour time period you know iron mannin it. i'm going to crash out now.
so i hung out with my friend jeff aka house. we played madden i kick his ass all the time. i'm going to hang out with my girlfriend the rest of the day and i've been up since 8 yesterday, probably won't sleep it'll rule. Fuck it's hot outside. nightshift sucks. well off to see how much trouble i can get in with out being caught. yay
today i just set everything up cool huh smile