wow i guess my suicide girls account wasn't cancelled that's fucked up
i'm sick of my life, i want to trade it in for a new one, not that i have it bad, but i just could have did things differently i guess.....

So now I am a professional at talking to your voicemail. I kept stumbling over my words. heh. Im sorry about the long voicemails, but when I get nervous, I start to ramble. Ugh. I feel sick. You know where I stand on this whole thing. I didnt want to break up, at all. So its whatever you want. I've been waiting for a simple phone call from you. My cell phone network is down right now. I keep hoping that every car that drives down my road is you. When my dog barks I look out the window. I just want to know where you stand on this. Im really willing to work on us because i love you. Anyway Im getting off the computer. Call the number Ive been calling you at if you want to talk. I dont know if you will, but as I keep saying any contact outside of suicidegirls would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for two wonderful months. Im sorry I couldnt be what you wanted. Im also sorry you couldnt tell me how you felt. I want us to work, but if you cant talk to me, the person you say you love, then I guess its stupid to even try. We met at the wrong time in my life. You're the kind of person I wanted to be with for a long time. But I was terrified of losing you. Now I feel as though this is a lost cause.
blah blah blah, nothin to say, so numb, my girlfriend, or i guess my ex-girlfriend, she went off on me and told me never to bother with her again, or that's how i took it. and i take that very personal, hurt pretty bad, stomach still turns thinking about what i did, she tried calling me like 20 times over 2 days i never answered,...
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I pretty much dont get it. I didnt say dont bother with me. You said "well you sounded pretty serious the other day when you said you didnt want to see me" and I said 'that was the other day' and you just kept going with it. So i said 'dont bother then'.
I felt like an asshole the day I told you not to come but I only said that because I didnt want you driving up here just to turn around to go home. I know that moneys tight and I didnt want you to waste gas just to see me. I wasnt mad at you, just our situation.
Do you have any idea how much Ive cried the past few days? I never cry about anyone. I was laying there sobbing on the bed. I never broke up with you, I figured you were breaking up with me. I admit I can be impulsive when it comes to things. I do blow up on you. But its not because Im REALLY upset with you, Im more upset with myself for what im doing to you and my situation in general.
i love you so much.
none of this really means anything. but whatever you want, because this really isnt what i want.
I felt like an asshole the day I told you not to come but I only said that because I didnt want you driving up here just to turn around to go home. I know that moneys tight and I didnt want you to waste gas just to see me. I wasnt mad at you, just our situation.
Do you have any idea how much Ive cried the past few days? I never cry about anyone. I was laying there sobbing on the bed. I never broke up with you, I figured you were breaking up with me. I admit I can be impulsive when it comes to things. I do blow up on you. But its not because Im REALLY upset with you, Im more upset with myself for what im doing to you and my situation in general.
i love you so much.
none of this really means anything. but whatever you want, because this really isnt what i want.
what do you do when your life is routine, like a robot, and you want to wake up, and the only way you do it is to long to dream and use ways to alter your reality. you want to think their is something out there to give your life meaning or excitement. i'm always sad on the inside because i haven't found my little...
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i'm bloody tired
i mean really fuckin tired i got to quit workin nights this whole iron manin shit has to stop my body keeps sayin what the fuck every weekend because i stay up for like more than 24 hour periods all the time, 5 to 7 hours usually does my body good, but no, i have to stay up something about a body's...
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i mean really fuckin tired i got to quit workin nights this whole iron manin shit has to stop my body keeps sayin what the fuck every weekend because i stay up for like more than 24 hour periods all the time, 5 to 7 hours usually does my body good, but no, i have to stay up something about a body's...
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naps are awesome.
I know what you mean about the whole sleeping thing.
sometimes I wish we could just plug ourselves in to an outlet to recharge or something.
bc atleast you would still be able to do something while your body was recharging, but NooOo. when you are sleeping you cant do shit. you just lay there, half dead.
hehe. enough ranting.
enjoy your nap!
I know what you mean about the whole sleeping thing.
sometimes I wish we could just plug ourselves in to an outlet to recharge or something.
bc atleast you would still be able to do something while your body was recharging, but NooOo. when you are sleeping you cant do shit. you just lay there, half dead.
hehe. enough ranting.
enjoy your nap!
blah blah blah blah, don't really have anything to say, went to a show loved it, it was awesome
lot of shit i have to get done to day , anyone know of some where fun to go on vacation that's reasonably priced, thought i'd ask
. Went to the thrift store this last friday, got some shirts, my girl friend found a thriller record to jam out to, she's so dorky i love her. We were discussing which disco reject furniture was the...
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i'm really fuckin tired, this weekend ruled!!! hawk still growing, rock fuckin on!!!
get paid at the end of the week have an idea for new ink, going to finish upper right arm then start planning on my sleeve to add on to it. i'll put new pics on after it's done.
get paid at the end of the week have an idea for new ink, going to finish upper right arm then start planning on my sleeve to add on to it. i'll put new pics on after it's done.
I need to get some ink done myself. My artist returns on the twentieth of Sept. Looking forward to that date.
Make sure that you post pics.

Make sure that you post pics.

hawk still growing until you decide to CUT IT OFF AGAINST MY BETTER JUDGEMENT
so yesterday i went to the comic book store with my girl. It was really hot in the store,i think their air conditioner was broken or it could be the fact my girls very hot, but i found a lot of good comics. I mean i always drop between sixty and one hundred dollars everytime i go. Then we went to wendy's. we love wendy's....
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correction. you love wendys. I just really really like it.
I get to see you tomorrowwww ♥
I get to see you tomorrowwww ♥
OH AND I'M IN LOVE YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BUT I'M IN LOVE YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH AND I'M IN LOVE YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BUT I'M IN LOVE YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Booby virginity?
I don't know but it sounds like a good time.

Glad to see you're digging the roomies ass. There are more pics of her in my pics. She's a hottie.

hey one more night of work then the weekend, thank god. Oh i'm going to have a good weekend, maybe get some ink, cool huh
well mostly hang out with my girl and my best friend house it will ease my mind