The wife and I saw Star Trek Tonight. It definitely lived up to the hype.
More Blogs
Wednesday Oct 21, 2009
Birthday today! We find out the baby gender tomorrow! -
Thursday Aug 13, 2009
Week 11 starts today! Hard to believe that in another week wife will… -
Thursday Jul 30, 2009
Week 9 starts today The wife and I saw the little bugger on an ul… -
Monday Jul 27, 2009
Week 8: The soon to be baby is the size of a kidney bean. The wife … -
Friday Jul 17, 2009
Week 7 starts today! Looking forward to the next episode of True Blo… -
Sunday Jul 12, 2009
The baby is now 6 weeks old. According to what I have read that mean… -
Monday Jun 29, 2009
HOLY SHIT! I'm going to be a father!!!! -
Thursday Jun 25, 2009
School is out!!!!!! 2 months of just about nothing. I can't wait. -
Friday May 29, 2009
Only a few weeks left until school is finished. Wife is gone for the… -
Saturday May 16, 2009
Anyone know how to bookmark a profile? I click "bookmark" but then w…
As for Japan... yeah I needed to check out WW2 stuff while I was there. I am a HUGE history buff. The only teacher I ever had a crush on was my history teacher... go figure.
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