So again...I've not updated in awhile. This time though I have really good news.
So I quit my job in Vermont. They didn't really think I was going to go through with it. I stayed through the last show before the hiatus (read as layoff) and then I hit the road.
It was great.
And then after 4 days of unemployment I landed a job...
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So I quit my job in Vermont. They didn't really think I was going to go through with it. I stayed through the last show before the hiatus (read as layoff) and then I hit the road.

And then after 4 days of unemployment I landed a job...
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Great thanksgiving this week. It was great to see my folks and to see my bro for a bit. He's starting to settle into himself and is really a cool shit.
Worked the Cher/Village People concert and it was a lot of fun. The road crew was in an excellent mood and it really affected the rest of us. Everybody seemed to have a lot...
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Worked the Cher/Village People concert and it was a lot of fun. The road crew was in an excellent mood and it really affected the rest of us. Everybody seemed to have a lot...
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Nope it looks like the freaking weekend! Woohoo!!!! Have a good one!!! Or else....


Tee hee Double post.. oops!
[Edited on Dec 17, 2004 12:39PM]
[Edited on Dec 17, 2004 12:39PM]
Well it's been a while since I updated. I've given my unoffcial notice at work. I did a whole lot of research that led me to decide that I could no longer work for the theater that I've been employed at for almost a year. We've basically been treated like migrant workers. If any of you have read Reefer Madness you know what I'm talking...
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Both are done. But I think the picture looks better with the one boob!
[Edited on Nov 28, 2004 3:27PM]

[Edited on Nov 28, 2004 3:27PM]
No problemo dude!

been a long time since I've updated. Though I've been haunting the site regularly.
Been a tough couple of weeks getting the theater up and running. The first show was a real bitch and the second followed with practically no break and now not only am I running the backstage for the show but we're getting ready to start building the third. I pretty much...
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Been a tough couple of weeks getting the theater up and running. The first show was a real bitch and the second followed with practically no break and now not only am I running the backstage for the show but we're getting ready to start building the third. I pretty much...
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aw, sorry to hear all of that. i hope things calm down a little bit. 90 hours a week is bullshit.

Brian Griffin : Seriously, who buys a novelty fire extinguisher?
Peter Griffin : I'll tell you who: someone who cares enough about physical comedy to put his entire family into serious danger, that's who.
I know it hurts. But it's life, and it's real. And sometimes it fucking hurts, but it's life, and it's pretty much all we got.
- Garden State
Peter Griffin : I'll tell you who: someone who cares enough about physical comedy to put his entire family into serious danger, that's who.
I know it hurts. But it's life, and it's real. And sometimes it fucking hurts, but it's life, and it's pretty much all we got.
- Garden State
That is one of my favourite Family Guy episodes ... good choice!
I hope so too! At least until I'm hanging out in some foreign bar, then bring all the excitement you can!
one more more day!!!
As of 2 am tomorrow morning I am done with the Playhouse. I am fairly excited to be done.
I'm looking forward to heading home to Maine to visit my folks for a few days before I start my next gig...which conviently enough happens to be in Maine as well...albeit 75 miles from my folks. It's actually a fairly good...
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As of 2 am tomorrow morning I am done with the Playhouse. I am fairly excited to be done.
I'm looking forward to heading home to Maine to visit my folks for a few days before I start my next gig...which conviently enough happens to be in Maine as well...albeit 75 miles from my folks. It's actually a fairly good...
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well, i'ts been a while..hope that all is going well for you in maine

welcome back then!
welcome back then!
Haven't updated in awhile. It's been fairly busy. Just opened the last show of the summer season...thank you jesus. Things are good on the job front. I'll have a couple of days off before I start the brand new gig I picked up through August into Sept...meaning I don't have to worry about making ends meet till my full time job starts back up. Pretty...
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i had a very similar dream..but i'm quite sure it wasn't with your was mine...she's got a birthday coming too so that's why she's back in my dreams.
gah, i'm at my ex's house, on his computer.
wish me luck. i need it.
wish me luck. i need it.
Feeling a lot better today. Thanks in part to everyone here. Really appreciate the words of support.
That's about all I've got to say at the moment. Nothing exciting is going on, no new dreams, and work is work.
Though I did here from my boss at the other theater and he didn't think the job reassignment was a bad idea at all. He wants...
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That's about all I've got to say at the moment. Nothing exciting is going on, no new dreams, and work is work.
Though I did here from my boss at the other theater and he didn't think the job reassignment was a bad idea at all. He wants...
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Say goodbye to your two best friends, and I don't mean your pals in the winnebago.
hey! i used to take karate; i reached green belt and was ready to test for green-brown, but i sufferred an injury at school during PE when i got whacked in the leg with a wooden hockey stick... thing is, i think that one pretty much pays for the belt anyway, so i dunno if one really merits it or what, b/c there were little kids (5 or 6 y.o.) with brown belts and such. but i did like karate, and for me, the best part was the sparring
. it's also a good way to get fit--lot's of cardio and stretching/kicking workouts.
[Edited on Jul 27, 2004 12:41PM]
hey! i used to take karate; i reached green belt and was ready to test for green-brown, but i sufferred an injury at school during PE when i got whacked in the leg with a wooden hockey stick... thing is, i think that one pretty much pays for the belt anyway, so i dunno if one really merits it or what, b/c there were little kids (5 or 6 y.o.) with brown belts and such. but i did like karate, and for me, the best part was the sparring

[Edited on Jul 27, 2004 12:41PM]
Used to do Thai Boxing for about a year. Had to stop because I was very bad and also lazy.
So today off to a bad start. I've had two separate and individual dreams involving both my past and my exgirlfriend. I usually don't remember any of my dreams or are even aware of having them so two this morning is a real rarity.
Dream #1:
A guy I went to highschoo with, Eric, was talking to me about how much he wanted to date...
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Dream #1:
A guy I went to highschoo with, Eric, was talking to me about how much he wanted to date...
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i had a great time as local crew for them, but i've certainly heard the horror stories.
bad stuff.

bad stuff.
Anything is better than the company i work for now!
the circus people are weird as hell. last time worked as local for RBBB, i had to deal with an obsessive concessions guy who kept drawing pictures of me running my concourse spot.
the circus people are weird as hell. last time worked as local for RBBB, i had to deal with an obsessive concessions guy who kept drawing pictures of me running my concourse spot.
Haven't written in awhile. Nothing really exciting to report actually. Work continues...I draw closer and closer to be done with the playhouse which makes me happy. And I've managed to line up 5 days of extra free lance work for august so far. I don't need a whole lot to make ends meet till my other job starts back up. I should be able to...
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ahhhh, electrics.
glad you showed your face around these parts again, and glad that the work situation is looking up.
i only have seen Chicago from the airport, but it was the only time in my life that i have ever seen real snow. so on my list of favorites, if for a kinda dumb reason.
glad you showed your face around these parts again, and glad that the work situation is looking up.
i only have seen Chicago from the airport, but it was the only time in my life that i have ever seen real snow. so on my list of favorites, if for a kinda dumb reason.
you're pretty too.

you're pretty too.
Now I'm not typically prone to sentimentality or painful journeying down memory lane. However the last few days have been filled with thoughts of my ex girlfriend. Not filled with thoughts of getting back together, I've learned that painful lesson, just been reminded of her a lot lately. Been almost 8 months since we broke up or even since we last talked. There is a...
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yes diet and exercise is more effective..which is why i'mdoing that too...but to help me lose the weight quicker i'm using the pills
i have a job starting in sept... i just need one to hold me over until then.....thanks though!
sorry I've not updated in a bit...feeling a lot better. Though my throat is still a tad sore I've basically gotten over the strep completely. Thanks for all the well wishing.
Nothing terribly exciting to report. Today was fairly uneventful. Got a bunch of shit done I needed to do, laundry and groceries, etc.
Been reading Fast Food Nation. It's really pretty scary how people...
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Nothing terribly exciting to report. Today was fairly uneventful. Got a bunch of shit done I needed to do, laundry and groceries, etc.
Been reading Fast Food Nation. It's really pretty scary how people...
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Woohoo weekend freedom!
Those are my weekend plans, what are yours?