I know i am a little late but i wasnt home that much just for a split second then i went to celebrate with my mom for mothers day. my sister her husband and me and my bf took my mom out to eat and then i bought ice cream and we ate at home. with along the gift i got my mom, i told her if she wanted to go to the rave that i would pay her way, so i have to go over to head stones to see if they are selling tickets also to see if they have flyers for the rave. To mom, I love you mom , i know you haven't been there for alot of my life, but for the times you were, i have always treasured. the tears, the laughs, and the anger we have show were all because our love for each other, i am glad to have you as my mom and i hope you are glad that i am your daughter. I know you will be there for me always and i will be there for you. Thank you mother for your love , devotion, and care. But why the hell did you give my such a crappy middle name, j/k.Happy mother day to the best Mother I know XOXOXOXOX