so, working on my "project" car, my fiero, its almost done, its running like it should now, sounds beast, but the little switch to turn the radiator fan on isnt working, and it overheated a little, opened the filler cap to vent some of the coolant, and its going all normal, then BAM, the cap blows off and covers me in boiling coolant, so now i have 1st and 2nd degree burns on my hand and up my arm, they dont seem TOO bad figuring what could have happened, guess its a good thing i had on a hoodie and mechanix gloves, else i think it woulda been alot worse, i have officialy named this worse weakend ever....
current music: sneaker pimps - tesko suicide
current mood: in pain, sad and lonely
current music: sneaker pimps - tesko suicide
current mood: in pain, sad and lonely