so, ive been driving my moms car for the last few days cuz she has a 5speed and cant drive it cuz she had her hand operated on, and today i walk out to the car and see huge scratch marks from the front to the back like something hit it, but no dents, i dont get how something scratched it like that and didnt dent it.... and ive had a huge headach all day, and that was just the topper, oddly when i told me mom, she didnt care.... i wana know what pain killers shes on, must be something good.. lol the good part is i think 90% of it can be buffed out, guess ima be doing that this weekend *sigh*.... i think thats all i have to write about right now, head hurts to much to think
current mood: in pain
current music: silence, or as close to it as i can get

current mood: in pain
current music: silence, or as close to it as i can get
I was leaving a store the other day, after buying GT4, and I walk outside....and a BIG gust of wind blows a shopping cart RIGHT into my car, I'm watching the whole thing, just completely helpless...that sucked.