Oh my gods... I've been queasy all day, and watching
the crow: wicked prayer (FUCK YOU, ED PRESSMAN!!!!)
out of sheer morbid curiosity didn't help anything... I really hope I don't
What's that? oh the vacation stuff... sure... Well, I haven't yet replaced the cell phone that went floating downriver when the canoe capsized, but I ordered my replacement camera last night. (That's right, my local SG wannabes, I'll be ready to work by next week and this lil mishap gave to excuse to buy a better, more powerful and versitile model - woot!) I might be able to get the old camera fixed... the computer part and viewscreen were all working but the digital optics are shot so all the new shots are just black... But my SD cards came through, so I was able to download the photos we took before the cam went swimming.
So, in recap... We left on the 16th and drove to Woodstock, IL (Where they filmed Groundhog Day, now you know.) and crashed at Alma's best friend's brother's house with said best friend. Went to the wedding the next day short ceremony -nice place-Alma got sauced and had a good time (I got in some quality brooding since I knew only best friend and the bride and wasn't feeling terribly chipper since I was designated driver -- I fon't require booze to be friendly, but to be friendly to a roomful of drunken and rude Chicago suburbanite offspring? only tequila will do... I'm a mellow drunk, sober, only willpower prevents pummeling), then Alma, best friend and I drove to Alma's brother's place near Madison, WI and crashed there... the next morning, we drove off in search of Bennett's Smut and Eggs, the breakfast/porn shop we had heard spoken of in legends. It took us an hour to find what was essentially a hole in the wall bar with lukewarm food of questionable quality and a static-y porno featuring Ron Jeremy on three of the six TVs. "The Hedgehog" banging some chick's ass does not exactly stir one's appetite for steak and eggs, but thank the Creatrix that I order my eggs scrambled (kinda like the actresses being assailed- hee!) instead of something runny... sloppy eggs accompanied by money shot...nooooooo!
I guess the whole bar is some gimmick by the bar owner who appeared in Playgirl 20-25 years ago... his pictoral was laminated into the wall next to our table, though there were tiny paper squares covering his bang-bang fruit. The bartender did, however, make an interesting garnish for best friend's bloody mary....
After breakfast best friend drove back to IL, and we bought brother some stuff for his place before driving to beautiful northern WI. People REALLY like their fish in northern WI...
So we got to the 'rent-in-laws Sunday night, unpacked and got some sleep. Just kinda milled the first day and went to Hayward, WI (see above fish). We looked at houses.
Tuesday we hiked....
and fished
and after hiking (getting sunburned) and fishing (no fish, but more sun! - I'm allergic to sunlight, btw) I was a bit onnery...
Wednesday afternoon, we chartered a canoe and were dropped off for a 19 mile, overnight canoe trip.
about twenty minutes after this eagle, my inexperience and Alma's love for pepperoni resulted in all our gear taking a swimming lesson... that's right... wet clothes, wet sleeping bags, wet tent, drowning digital camera.... and my cell phone eloped downriver with my CANOE PADDLE!!! oi... so we camped, dried out as much as we could, and camped. The next morning, still quite damp and chiiiiily. And of course, the first Canadian wind of the season decides to come gusting through. This wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't fallen into the river AGAIN that morning... not the canoe this time, just me... and Alma had to steer the boat by herself, as I had no oar. So I just sat and enjoyed pretty scenery as alma steered and hypothermia set in... but I learned to laugh about it through the chattering teeth. Alma was kinda sheepish and upset that so much crap had gone wrong, but it occured to me that we, humans that is, quite often define ourselves not through our joys, but through our miseries.... think about it.. almost everything we find humorous somehow involves someone in pain... the funny jokes we laugh at as it's happening to someone else, and the funny memories THAT PISSED US OFF at the time, but in retrospect become humorous because we are glad we got through it...
We got to visit with Alma's rents quite a bit, which is always fun, and who knows, we might live nearby someday... This was the first real trip that Alma and I have been able to take together in the six years we've been a couple, and in the end, that's the part I'm most grateful for... There were some tense moments, but for all the stress and hardship, it's was worth it just to be together and away from demands... I hope there's more in the future.

What's that? oh the vacation stuff... sure... Well, I haven't yet replaced the cell phone that went floating downriver when the canoe capsized, but I ordered my replacement camera last night. (That's right, my local SG wannabes, I'll be ready to work by next week and this lil mishap gave to excuse to buy a better, more powerful and versitile model - woot!) I might be able to get the old camera fixed... the computer part and viewscreen were all working but the digital optics are shot so all the new shots are just black... But my SD cards came through, so I was able to download the photos we took before the cam went swimming.
So, in recap... We left on the 16th and drove to Woodstock, IL (Where they filmed Groundhog Day, now you know.) and crashed at Alma's best friend's brother's house with said best friend. Went to the wedding the next day short ceremony -nice place-Alma got sauced and had a good time (I got in some quality brooding since I knew only best friend and the bride and wasn't feeling terribly chipper since I was designated driver -- I fon't require booze to be friendly, but to be friendly to a roomful of drunken and rude Chicago suburbanite offspring? only tequila will do... I'm a mellow drunk, sober, only willpower prevents pummeling), then Alma, best friend and I drove to Alma's brother's place near Madison, WI and crashed there... the next morning, we drove off in search of Bennett's Smut and Eggs, the breakfast/porn shop we had heard spoken of in legends. It took us an hour to find what was essentially a hole in the wall bar with lukewarm food of questionable quality and a static-y porno featuring Ron Jeremy on three of the six TVs. "The Hedgehog" banging some chick's ass does not exactly stir one's appetite for steak and eggs, but thank the Creatrix that I order my eggs scrambled (kinda like the actresses being assailed- hee!) instead of something runny... sloppy eggs accompanied by money shot...nooooooo!

I guess the whole bar is some gimmick by the bar owner who appeared in Playgirl 20-25 years ago... his pictoral was laminated into the wall next to our table, though there were tiny paper squares covering his bang-bang fruit. The bartender did, however, make an interesting garnish for best friend's bloody mary....

After breakfast best friend drove back to IL, and we bought brother some stuff for his place before driving to beautiful northern WI. People REALLY like their fish in northern WI...

So we got to the 'rent-in-laws Sunday night, unpacked and got some sleep. Just kinda milled the first day and went to Hayward, WI (see above fish). We looked at houses.

Tuesday we hiked....

and fished

and after hiking (getting sunburned) and fishing (no fish, but more sun! - I'm allergic to sunlight, btw) I was a bit onnery...

Wednesday afternoon, we chartered a canoe and were dropped off for a 19 mile, overnight canoe trip.

about twenty minutes after this eagle, my inexperience and Alma's love for pepperoni resulted in all our gear taking a swimming lesson... that's right... wet clothes, wet sleeping bags, wet tent, drowning digital camera.... and my cell phone eloped downriver with my CANOE PADDLE!!! oi... so we camped, dried out as much as we could, and camped. The next morning, still quite damp and chiiiiily. And of course, the first Canadian wind of the season decides to come gusting through. This wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't fallen into the river AGAIN that morning... not the canoe this time, just me... and Alma had to steer the boat by herself, as I had no oar. So I just sat and enjoyed pretty scenery as alma steered and hypothermia set in... but I learned to laugh about it through the chattering teeth. Alma was kinda sheepish and upset that so much crap had gone wrong, but it occured to me that we, humans that is, quite often define ourselves not through our joys, but through our miseries.... think about it.. almost everything we find humorous somehow involves someone in pain... the funny jokes we laugh at as it's happening to someone else, and the funny memories THAT PISSED US OFF at the time, but in retrospect become humorous because we are glad we got through it...
We got to visit with Alma's rents quite a bit, which is always fun, and who knows, we might live nearby someday... This was the first real trip that Alma and I have been able to take together in the six years we've been a couple, and in the end, that's the part I'm most grateful for... There were some tense moments, but for all the stress and hardship, it's was worth it just to be together and away from demands... I hope there's more in the future.
He may be gross..but he is a freedom fighter

If anyone appreciates the beaver....Its Larry