When I was younger, I used to wonder if, given someone else's eyes, blue would become orange, brown become pink... if we all saw color differently, and we only call it the same because that's what we were taught...
Ohh I LOVE the werelepoards then again I love all the were animals ok come to think of it I love most of the vamps too.
I think I relate to the faries and the were animals the most because I sooo need touch it doesn't have to be sexual but skin to skin contact is very comforting to me, and if I go to long without I start to get ansy and a little jumpy. If I could sleep in big warm puppy piles I soo would. Sometimes I wonder if I'm not part cat of some sort.
As far as the Merry books I think the reason I like those so much is because of the discription of the faries eyes and hair, eyes are a big thing for me they always have been.
And well I had ahard up thing for Vamps for as long as I can remember.
Sorry for rambling on I tend to do that alot specially when I'm sleepy. I work overnights and just got home haven't slept since yesterday morning. So again sorry.
Oh and just so ya know its way easier to respond back to someones comment in their journal. It's way easier to keep track of the conversation that way. Hope you have a great day.
*SIGH* Yup I know how ya feel I've been going a little batty myself it's been a long time. Sometims I feel like crawling up a wall. And scents don't help I deal with people all night long and after a while it starts to get to ya. *SHRUG* Oh well I'll I suppose I'll live.
I think I relate to the faries and the were animals the most because I sooo need touch it doesn't have to be sexual but skin to skin contact is very comforting to me, and if I go to long without I start to get ansy and a little jumpy. If I could sleep in big warm puppy piles I soo would. Sometimes I wonder if I'm not part cat of some sort.
As far as the Merry books I think the reason I like those so much is because of the discription of the faries eyes and hair, eyes are a big thing for me they always have been.
And well I had ahard up thing for Vamps for as long as I can remember.
Sorry for rambling on I tend to do that alot specially when I'm sleepy. I work overnights and just got home haven't slept since yesterday morning. So again sorry.
Oh and just so ya know its way easier to respond back to someones comment in their journal. It's way easier to keep track of the conversation that way.