OK, so recapping the last few days. I ended up doing laundry Saturday, then driving to my brother's in St. Louis . Didn't get there til about 8pm. We had a bit of liquor, I explained my plan for kidnapping Norman Reedus for Azkadellia. He was in.
So I wake up obscenely early for some reason. Do a little reading. Shower. Prep the abduction essentials.
Gates aren't supposed to open on the Boondocks Saints boys (Sean, Norman and Rocco) til 11. We get to con-tamination about quarter til 11. Figure we'll cruise the layout before standing in line. As feared, this is a rinkydink affair. I'm standing next to Tony Todd, contemplating that he really would be a huge scary bastard if he wasn't standing there in a blazer and backward cap... Candyman turned fratboy. And he was probably the most recognizable face there, outside of the Boondock Saints . It was really more of a horror con than anything. Billed as scifi, horror and pop culture- but almost everything was horror based. That and there were three porn chicks there.
In short, yeah it was mostly kinda boring if you are not the direst of fanboy/fangirl. But I was a man on a mission. Not geeking out for me, I was there to kidnap. So after little brother and I made rounds, we got into the Boondock's line. It's ten after and nothing's happening, except we hear one thing with dismay "Is Norman Reedus going to make it today?!?". We decide there's not much line, and we're hungry, so we head to St. Louis Bread Company for a bagel and coffee. Get back 20 min later, still no Saints. Back in line. Another twenty and the doors open. You can see the table from outside, Sean, Rocco.... no fucking Reedus! We do one more circuit, check back, and I take brother home. Because it's on my way out of the city and hope springs infernal, I check back in one last time. Reedus never showed. So I took my abduction blueballs home.
On the way home, I got the new Anita Blake book, some new bedsheets with a serviceable thread count, area groceries. It was an adventure .... and now it's personal.
Mostly now, I just want to draw, write and have deep mystical thoughts until someone volunteers to cuddle with me again. Waiting is. But there are pieces that feel like exploding, so I'll incarcerate them on paper...
So I wake up obscenely early for some reason. Do a little reading. Shower. Prep the abduction essentials.
Gates aren't supposed to open on the Boondocks Saints boys (Sean, Norman and Rocco) til 11. We get to con-tamination about quarter til 11. Figure we'll cruise the layout before standing in line. As feared, this is a rinkydink affair. I'm standing next to Tony Todd, contemplating that he really would be a huge scary bastard if he wasn't standing there in a blazer and backward cap... Candyman turned fratboy. And he was probably the most recognizable face there, outside of the Boondock Saints . It was really more of a horror con than anything. Billed as scifi, horror and pop culture- but almost everything was horror based. That and there were three porn chicks there.
In short, yeah it was mostly kinda boring if you are not the direst of fanboy/fangirl. But I was a man on a mission. Not geeking out for me, I was there to kidnap. So after little brother and I made rounds, we got into the Boondock's line. It's ten after and nothing's happening, except we hear one thing with dismay "Is Norman Reedus going to make it today?!?". We decide there's not much line, and we're hungry, so we head to St. Louis Bread Company for a bagel and coffee. Get back 20 min later, still no Saints. Back in line. Another twenty and the doors open. You can see the table from outside, Sean, Rocco.... no fucking Reedus! We do one more circuit, check back, and I take brother home. Because it's on my way out of the city and hope springs infernal, I check back in one last time. Reedus never showed. So I took my abduction blueballs home.
On the way home, I got the new Anita Blake book, some new bedsheets with a serviceable thread count, area groceries. It was an adventure .... and now it's personal.

Mostly now, I just want to draw, write and have deep mystical thoughts until someone volunteers to cuddle with me again. Waiting is. But there are pieces that feel like exploding, so I'll incarcerate them on paper...
tiny , fast ones do!!! teehehehehe!
Sweet! I will check them out. I tend to tear through books so I run out of material quickly.