Hey everyone! Well it's Superbowl Sunday and I'm excited. I guess the plan is everyone is going over to my buddies house to watch it. It sucks because it is a drinking event and Iit starts at 6:30 pm and I gotta be at work at 5:30 am. So needless to say Monday will be a shitty day. It's gonna suck more in the afternoon...
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Hey Congrats on the medal!biggrin

Kisses kiss kiss
Well Friday is here once again and we all know what that means wink Well I guess I feel like being sophisticated this evening so I will be travelling to the Martini bar. Hopefully I will come out alive surreal Anyway I hope everyone has a great night and I will talk to you later.

Another Army fact: If your trying to medically get out of the...
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We have the same problem at our hospital toowhatever

So - this is me on a typical day puke

I am actually posted to an airforce base and my main job is "Crash Response" so if you ever wanna hear horrible stories of midair collisions............I've seen too muchfrown

Actually - I love my jobwink

Kisses kiss kiss

[Edited on Feb 03, 2006 6:26PM]
shit is it friday already? where does the time go? have fun biggrin
Hey there everyone hope all is well. Back to the grind this week and havin a crazy week . Well I pulled a 17 hr day yesterday and had to be at work at 5:30 this AM so, i'm dragging right now. The Army was nice enough though to notice how muched I worked and ave me the rest of the day off. Figures after...
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I think you would hit it off with whitewidow, shes an army medic too.
wink Who could better understand what you go through day to day other than someone in the same situation, now if you can find someone who does the same thing I do it would be fantastic biggrin
Well here we are again all hung over skull .Well last night I want to this bar and saw a band called live wire. They were pretty cool and got the crowd going. They wanted some drinks so I sent them some tequila shots and got to go onstage and do the shots with them. That was pretty cool. So, after the bar I we all...
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Your gonna need a liver transplant pretty soon smile
Well I am still alive...Barely puke . Me and my friends did the whole bar-hopping thing last night and I must say I drank a little too much. When you don't have to drive you tend to just let go. Found this cool bar though, didn't even know it was here in GA. Anyway I think I'm gonna go put something in my stomach and then...
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Its a vicious cycle puke
Well another Day at work done and another dollar. Not much action today except one Emergency. Now common sense would say if your 33 years old with a heart problem don't join the Army. Some will never learn but we all must learn life lessons on our own. Anyway it is nap time now because it is Friday and I am going to party my...
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That's weird that I just clicked on your profile after seeing it on ninniez page - and you mentioned a 33 y/o with a heart problem...
My best friend from growing up was just admitted yesterday to the hospital in our home town for CHF. He's 33.
*cue Twilight Zone music*

I got bored in my LUP one night and tried to give myself an IV using only subdued red lense pen light. I looked like a heroin junkie that had been in an accident the next day. I've a high threshold for pain, but that shit was unbearable. Good luck.
Well I'm new here and gonna try this. I guess you can say I lead a interesting life. I'm in the Army and stationed at Ft. Benning in GA. I'm a Health care specialist and take care of Basic Training guys. I have a year left and when I get out I plan to go to RN school (which I'm already accepted to) and follow...
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Its FRIDAY!!! biggrin