Well Friday is here once again and we all know what that means Well I guess I feel like being sophisticated this evening so I will be travelling to the Martini bar. Hopefully I will come out alive Anyway I hope everyone has a great night and I will talk to you later.
Another Army fact: If your trying to medically get out of the Army don't act totally normal and happy in the waiting room then act like your dying when you get called to be seen. Us medical people watch you and know what's going on.
Another Army fact: If your trying to medically get out of the Army don't act totally normal and happy in the waiting room then act like your dying when you get called to be seen. Us medical people watch you and know what's going on.
We have the same problem at our hospital too
So - this is me on a typical day
I am actually posted to an airforce base and my main job is "Crash Response" so if you ever wanna hear horrible stories of midair collisions............I've seen too much
Actually - I love my job
[Edited on Feb 03, 2006 6:26PM]