So the past couple of weeks have been intense and crazy to say the least. But me being a trooper, I just keep on pushing through all the bull and moving on. My demotion at work was official on the 5th, no thanks to the California government and their budget or lack thereof. So its less money for me but I have still been doinjg my old job most of the time since. Yeah that sucks. One of my good friends up and moved to England out of the blue, decided to tell everyone the week of the move. Then someone very close to me got sent on a government time out over some bull. Hopefully everything will work out ok. I have kinda become a hermit crab these days, so my social life has been non existent as of late, which is driving me crazy. Good news is, that i Finally got approved for my vacation (which is less than two weeks away) which makes me a happy camper! VEGAS here I come! Then off to Southern Cali to do some shooting with a couple of Awesome People! Really looking forward to that as well.
Hope all is well with you and yours!
Hope all is well with you and yours!

Yay!!! I loved our shoot =] Thank you very much over and over again!!
Yay for shooting!