So looking at the memorial today got me to thinking. I haven't said much about MJ on FB, MS or here for that matter. But Im thinking... If ever there was a person that should have, or needed to have the tiltle and or role of U.S. Ambassador for world peace, it would have been Michael Jackson. His work for peace and love for people goes far beyond what most people could even fathom. Even through all the bull shit that people put him through in life, (and sadly now even in death) he never stopped caring and working for healing and peace throughout the world. The heal the world rendition today was nice. But for some reason the MJ song that has been in my mind all day is "Man in the Mirror." I guess if we all started there, then the world would be a better place. we all could learn a lot from him.
Just my thoughts.
Just my thoughts.
IDK when it's going to hit MR for sure. I just submitted it two days ago soooo hopefully soon! Thanks =]