This weekend was wonderful. I went to the BB KING concert. him along with Etta James and Al Green. Wow! is all I can say. This was probably the best concert that i have been to in years. and yes leave it to me and my friends to talegate a BB King concert. I grilled up some jerk chicken grabed some jamaican rum and I was good to go. Now all i gotta do is figure out what i want to do for my birthday next month.
More Blogs
Saturday Jun 25, 2011
Despite all that is going on in my world, most of the time I really g… -
Wednesday Jun 15, 2011
Its been a lot going on lately. last week my 15 yr old cousin was sho… -
Sunday Apr 17, 2011
oh my Gosh these allergies are kicking my ass! -
Saturday Apr 16, 2011
So I am sitting here recording Toy Story 3 on the DVR for my 3 year o… -
Tuesday Mar 29, 2011
In N Out burger, fries, strawberry shake....... Perfection. -
Wednesday Mar 23, 2011
If you ask me, "Do I look like I lost weight?" and I say, "No". Why o… -
Saturday Mar 12, 2011
her: "your camera takes great pictures." Me: "your pots make great f… -
Tuesday Mar 08, 2011
after what seemed to be a very long day... I am sitting here with a g… -
Saturday Feb 19, 2011
Job demands are always high, and I haven't had a natural three day w… -
Sunday Feb 13, 2011
Happy VD to you all. Hope you don't get any...VD's that is. lol Be sa…