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- on sbritz's blog post
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- on Love A Hopeful Week Nominations! 💜 in everything sg
Today I logged into SG and found that I am considerably behind on viewing and commenting on sets! So, my morning is set: beauty, boobs, sexy bods, engaging sets and warm smiles!
The last two years have been a challenge, mentally, physically, and emotionally. In the Spring of 2022, I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma—an incurable form of blood cancer—after a growth on my spine fractured my back at L12. The pain, due to nerve damage, was like nothing I had ever experienced before, and I knew pain!
It took a while to come to a...
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Fall has ushered in a bit of melancholy, which shouldn’t be since this is my favorite season. But, I find myself increasingly alone, lonely and isolated; the last of my (so-called) friends has deserted me. I don’t know why I can’t seem to be able to keep friends around. It must be ME!
My Woman Crush Wednesday...is the delightfully wonderful, always beautiful and ever sexy @midnight
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Americans increasingly live in a nation wherein noting and no one can be trusted. Conservatives\Religious zealots are undermining our Institutions one after another, upending life as we know it. We have allowed morons and anti-intellectuals to hold far too many public offices and craft policy that is injurious to us ALL. This will not end until EVERY Republican is removed from office and common sense,...
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