The last few days have been so uneventful, I haven't really had much to write. Not until today...
A long time ago I met this girl at a party in Hanford, CA. She really got me fired up. There was something really cool about that night, and the conversation that we had. It was like magic. We clicked in more ways than I had ever with a woman. I even asked her if she would go with me to Florida when I left the military... But, it was not to be...
We exchanged numbers and left... But, weeks later I found myself blocked from her, and she would not answer her phone... I thought I had been blown off so I just left the state and went home... Wondering what had happened to that great woman I had met one night in CA...
But, today I saw her name pop up on my yahoo account... Where I had left it for so long... And we talked... and talked..
Turns out that she is married now, to one of my old friends... So, it's pretty wild talking to her again.. He is a bit jealous, but I am trying to make things work as good as they can with all of us being friends... She is a really wonderful girl. I'm just glad she is happy. Even if she isn't with me...
The time I was blocked, her ex had gotten into her account and blocked me. He even sent me a note telling me to back off. Which, at the time I thought was very uncharacteristic of her... It was a good surprise to hear that it wasn't really her... And that our night together was still as fresh in her mind as it was in mine...
And now, I will take myself to sleep and think of that long ago night...Wondering what could have happened if fate had not intervened...
A long time ago I met this girl at a party in Hanford, CA. She really got me fired up. There was something really cool about that night, and the conversation that we had. It was like magic. We clicked in more ways than I had ever with a woman. I even asked her if she would go with me to Florida when I left the military... But, it was not to be...
We exchanged numbers and left... But, weeks later I found myself blocked from her, and she would not answer her phone... I thought I had been blown off so I just left the state and went home... Wondering what had happened to that great woman I had met one night in CA...
But, today I saw her name pop up on my yahoo account... Where I had left it for so long... And we talked... and talked..
Turns out that she is married now, to one of my old friends... So, it's pretty wild talking to her again.. He is a bit jealous, but I am trying to make things work as good as they can with all of us being friends... She is a really wonderful girl. I'm just glad she is happy. Even if she isn't with me...
The time I was blocked, her ex had gotten into her account and blocked me. He even sent me a note telling me to back off. Which, at the time I thought was very uncharacteristic of her... It was a good surprise to hear that it wasn't really her... And that our night together was still as fresh in her mind as it was in mine...
And now, I will take myself to sleep and think of that long ago night...Wondering what could have happened if fate had not intervened...

Sometimes this stuff just happens and theres nothing you can do about it
You shouldnt hold yourself to it. What happened happened, it was just the way things were. Its really tempting to disagree with this and become overly critical of yourself, but please dont.