20 minutes ago, I was stunned to find my dogs trying to tear apart a poor defenseless kitten.
I fought off the dogs long enough to administer care to the terribly wounded cat. She was pretty badly messed up, with at least two punctures to her abdomen and covered in mud and dog spit.
I felt so bad for her.
Earlier that day, I had found her stuck in a tree. All by herself. At first I wondered why she was out here alone, so far from anything else. When I started to figure it out.
This cat must have been dropped off by some owner that did not want her, and just wanted to get rid of it. Sadly enough, it happens all of the time.
So, I brought the cat inside and gave it some food. But, once my Dad got home... He wanted it outside. He said that he was tired of playing animal shelter to these lost animals lately. So, it was with great sadness that my little brother took the kitten out into the woods and let it go once again.
Tonight, once I saved it's life, it wouldn't be parted from me. It clung to my shirt for dear life as we tried to clean it up. The entire time I could not help but imagine what we must have looked like. A wounded man and his wounded animal...
But, I felt terrible. That we could not do anything to help the poor girl out. I was not allowed to keep it, or to let it inside the house... So, what was I going to do?
My older brother mentioned for me to put it to sleep, meaning that I would have to kill the poor thing in some gruesome way... But, I could never do that!!
So, I made it a little bed and put in the shed until the morning. I hope the little thing lives until morning. I want to take it to the shelter so that they can help her out. At least give her a chance.
Crazy end to a boring day if you ask me. Nothing else really happened, so I have nothing else of interest to put in here... Still feeling better, my face is doing great. But now, I need to sleep.....
Today's Random George Carlin Quote:
"Capitalism tries for a delicate balance: It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people's stuff."
I fought off the dogs long enough to administer care to the terribly wounded cat. She was pretty badly messed up, with at least two punctures to her abdomen and covered in mud and dog spit.
I felt so bad for her.

Earlier that day, I had found her stuck in a tree. All by herself. At first I wondered why she was out here alone, so far from anything else. When I started to figure it out.
This cat must have been dropped off by some owner that did not want her, and just wanted to get rid of it. Sadly enough, it happens all of the time.
So, I brought the cat inside and gave it some food. But, once my Dad got home... He wanted it outside. He said that he was tired of playing animal shelter to these lost animals lately. So, it was with great sadness that my little brother took the kitten out into the woods and let it go once again.
Tonight, once I saved it's life, it wouldn't be parted from me. It clung to my shirt for dear life as we tried to clean it up. The entire time I could not help but imagine what we must have looked like. A wounded man and his wounded animal...

But, I felt terrible. That we could not do anything to help the poor girl out. I was not allowed to keep it, or to let it inside the house... So, what was I going to do?
My older brother mentioned for me to put it to sleep, meaning that I would have to kill the poor thing in some gruesome way... But, I could never do that!!
So, I made it a little bed and put in the shed until the morning. I hope the little thing lives until morning. I want to take it to the shelter so that they can help her out. At least give her a chance.
Crazy end to a boring day if you ask me. Nothing else really happened, so I have nothing else of interest to put in here... Still feeling better, my face is doing great. But now, I need to sleep.....

Today's Random George Carlin Quote:
"Capitalism tries for a delicate balance: It attempts to work things out so that everyone gets just enough stuff to keep them from getting violent and trying to take other people's stuff."
Glad to hear about the kitty. I wasn't looking forward to bad news on that one. Funny how I can somehow become emotionaly involved in the survival of one kitten, whom I've never seen, that's on the other side of the country from me. I see what you mean about the internet.
I've been told several times to read the full Lestat series, and I have no idea why I haven't yet. It seems like every time I go to a bookstore/musicstore/moviestore I always forgot all of the stuff I wanted to buy. I really need to start carrying a list.