Today I was carved and cauterized for hours on end, until they removed the entire blob of cancer from my cheek.
Bad news was, that there was so much more than they (and I, for that matter) thought there would be. So they cut and cut more and more of my cheek away.
I now have a large valley on my face.
Good thing is, the doctor is an awesome sew job.... So, he did his best to help me out. My face should remain the same for the most part, but I fear that the damage done is more than I would want.
I now have to deal with this gigantic scar and possible changes in my features.
But, the military will not get out of this one without a fight!! I am going to talk to a lawyer and sue their asses!! There is no way I can be expected to pay almost $2,000 for this procedure. Especially when it was they who let it get this way in the first place. Misdiagnosis is the key here, and I think I can at least get a few grand for my permanent disfigurement!
Now, I will have to get a Vader mask and live the life of a tortured, depressed and scarred terribly.....Evil bastard.....
Or it could just be the painkilers making me type nonsense....
I posted some pics of the bandaged up wound for all to see....Will show the unbandaged wound tomorrow night.
And by then I should realize that I will never have another girlfriend ever again thanks to this.....
Boo Hoo.....Woe is me.
Todays Random George Carlin quote:
"Professional soldiers are people who die for a living."
Bad news was, that there was so much more than they (and I, for that matter) thought there would be. So they cut and cut more and more of my cheek away.
I now have a large valley on my face.

Good thing is, the doctor is an awesome sew job.... So, he did his best to help me out. My face should remain the same for the most part, but I fear that the damage done is more than I would want.
I now have to deal with this gigantic scar and possible changes in my features.
But, the military will not get out of this one without a fight!! I am going to talk to a lawyer and sue their asses!! There is no way I can be expected to pay almost $2,000 for this procedure. Especially when it was they who let it get this way in the first place. Misdiagnosis is the key here, and I think I can at least get a few grand for my permanent disfigurement!

Now, I will have to get a Vader mask and live the life of a tortured, depressed and scarred terribly.....Evil bastard.....

Or it could just be the painkilers making me type nonsense....

I posted some pics of the bandaged up wound for all to see....Will show the unbandaged wound tomorrow night.

And by then I should realize that I will never have another girlfriend ever again thanks to this.....

Boo Hoo.....Woe is me.

Todays Random George Carlin quote:
"Professional soldiers are people who die for a living."
I'm waiting for my DD 214 so I can hit up the VA hospital for dual knee surgery. What fun! I had a tumor removed from my toe once. I really hope your cheek doesn't turn out looking like my toe does. Then again, my doctor sucked, and I ended up tearing all of my sutures, which didn't help. Who the hell gets cancer on their toe anyway? I'm a freak.
dont worry about it. its a bragging scar. [bme-encyclopedia this if you havent heard of it before].
dont worry so much. dont assume.